title: Unique Ability of Activated CD4+ T Cells but Not Rested Effectors to Migrate to Non-lymphoid Sites in the Absence of Inflammation creator: Agrewala, J N creator: Brown, Deborah M creator: Lepak, M.M. creator: Duso, D. creator: Huston, Gail creator: Swain, S.L. subject: QD Chemistry description: Recent studies suggest that effector T cells generated by immune responses migrate to multiple non-lymphoid sites, even those without apparent expression of antigen or inflammation. To investigate the ability of distinct CD4� T lymphocyte subsets to enter and persist in non-lymphoid, noninflamed compartments, we examined the migration and persistence of naı¨ve, effector, and rested effector CD4� T cells generated in vitro following transfer to nonimmunized adoptive hosts. Th1 and Th2 effectors migrated to both lymphoid and non-lymphoid organs (peritoneum, fat pads, and lung). In contrast, rested effectors and naı¨ve cells migrated only to lymphoid areas. Adhesion molecule expression, but not chemokine receptor expression, correlated with the ability to enter non-lymphoid sites. Donor cells persisted longer in lymphoid than in non-lymphoid sites. When hosts with naı¨ve and memory donor cells were challenged with antigen, effectors developed in situ, which also migrated to non-lymphoid sites. Memory cells showed an accelerated shift to non-lymphoid migration, in keeping with memory effector formation. These results suggest that only recently activated effector T cells can disperse to non-lymphoid sites in the absence of antigen and inflammation, and as effectors return to rest, they lose this ability. These data also argue that memory cells in lymphoid sites are longer lived and not in equilibrium with those in non-lymphoid sites. publisher: ASBMB date: 2007 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: application/pdf identifier: http://crdd.osdd.net/open/1056/1/agrewala2007.pdf relation: http://www.jbc.org/content/282/9/6106.full.pdf identifier: Agrewala, J N and Brown, Deborah M and Lepak, M.M. and Duso, D. and Huston, Gail and Swain, S.L. (2007) Unique Ability of Activated CD4+ T Cells but Not Rested Effectors to Migrate to Non-lymphoid Sites in the Absence of Inflammation. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 282. pp. 6106-6115. ISSN 00219258 relation: http://crdd.osdd.net/open/1056/