%A Akhilesh Kumar %A Shweta Tikoo %A Shuvadeep Maity %A Shantanu Sengupta %A Sagar Sengupta %A Amandeep Kaur %A Anand Kumar Bachhawat %O Copyright of this article belongs to NPG. %J EMBO reports %T Mammalian proapoptotic factor ChaC1 and its homologues function as ?-glutamyl cyclotransferases acting specifically on glutathione. %X ChaC1 is a mammalian proapoptic protein of unknown function induced during endoplasmic reticulum stress. We show using in vivo studies and novel in vitro assays that the ChaC family of proteins function as ?-glutamyl cyclotransferases acting specifically to degrade glutathione but not other ?-glutamyl peptides. The overexpression of these proteins (but not the catalytically dead E>Q mutants) led to glutathione depletion and enhanced apoptosis in yeast. The ChaC family is conversed across all phyla and represents a new pathway for glutathione degradation in living cells, and the first cytosolic pathway for glutathione degradation in mammalian cells. %N 12 %K apoptosis; ChaC1; ?-glutamyl cyclotransferases %P 1095-101 %V 13 %D 2012 %I Nature publishing group %L open1217