%A Satish K Tuteja %A Priyanka Sabherwal %A Akash Deep %A Richa Rastogi %A Ashok K Paul %A C Raman Suri %J ACS applied materials & interfaces %T Biofunctionalized rebar graphene (f-RG) for label-free detection of cardiac marker troponin I. %X One-step microwave-assisted unscrolling of carbon nanotubes to form functionalized rebar graphene (f-RG) is reported. The well-characterized f-RG on an interdigitated electrode biochip in a FET configuration showed enhanced electronic properties, as demonstrated with I-V characteristics. The developed device was biofunctionalized with specific anti-cTnI antibodies exhibiting a shift of threshold voltage from -2.15 V to -0.5 V and decrease in electron mobility from 3.609 ? 10(4) to 8.877 ? 10(3) cm(2) V(-1) s(-1). The new sensing strategy holds great promise for its applicability in diagnostics exhibiting high sensitivity (? 1 pg/mL) and specificity toward cardiac marker (cTnI). %N 17 %K biochip; carbon nanotubes; cardiac marker; clinical diagnostics; functionalized rebar graphene; troponin I %P 14767-71 %V 6 %D 2014 %I Washington, D.C. : American Chemical Society %L open1536