%0 Journal Article %@ 0141-5492 %A Patnaik, P R %D 2005 %F open:178 %I Springer Science %J Biotechnology letters %N 6 %P 409-15 %T Neural network designs for poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate production optimization under simulated industrial conditions. %U http://crdd.osdd.net/open/178/ %V 27 %X Improvement of the fermentation efficiency of poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) may make it competitive with chemically synthesized petroleum-based polymers. One step toward this is optimization of fluid dispersion and the feed rates to a fed-batch bioreactor. In a recent study using a fermentation model, dispersion corresponding to a Peclet number of approximately 20 was shown to maximize the productivity of PHB. Here further improvement has been investigated using neural optimization. A comparison of seven neural topologies has shown that while feed-forward and radial basis neural networks are computationally efficient, recurrent networks generate higher concentrations of PHB. All networks enhanced the productivity by 16-93% over model-based optimization. %Z Copyright of this article belongs to Springer science.