%A Navpreet kaur Walia %A Swaranjit Singh Cameotra %O Open Access %J Journal of Microbial & Biochemical Technology %T Lipopeptides: Biosynthesis and Applications %X Microbial surfactants are amphiphilic molecules. They possess a strong tendency to reduce the interfacial tension among compounds. Biosurfactants possess diverse chemical structures and are nontoxic and hence are biodegradable. They have many applications in bioremediation, enhanced oil recovery, pharmaceutical and in food industry. In addition, biosurfactants have antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties. They are also found to have many therapeutic applications which as a result are very helpful for mankind in eradicating many pathogenic diseases. This review depicts the applications of lipopeptide biosurfactants in various fields. %N 02 %K Bio surfactants; Applications; Biosynthesis; Lipopeptides %V 07 %D 2015 %R doi:10.4172/1948-5948.1000189 %I OMICS International %L open1799