creators_name: Gowthaman, Uthaman
creators_name: Rai, Pradeep K
creators_name: Zeng, Weiguang
creators_name: Jackson, David C
creators_name: Agrewala, J N
type: article
datestamp: 2019-09-05 13:45:16
lastmod: 2019-09-05 13:45:16
metadata_visibility: show
title: Lipidated promiscuous peptide augments the expression of MHC-II molecules on dendritic cells and activates T cells.
ispublished: pub
subjects: QR180
note: Copyright of this article belongs to ICMR.
abstract: In spite of the fact that BCG is the most widely used vaccine, tuberculosis (TB) continues to be a major killer disease in TB-endemic regions. Recently, many emerging evidences from the published literature indicate the role of environmental mycobacteria in blocking the processing and presentation of BCG antigens and thereby impairing with suboptimal generation of protective T cells. To surmount this problem associated with BCG, we constructed a novel lipopeptide (L91) by conjugating a promiscuous peptide consisting of CD4 + T-helper epitope of sequence of 91-110 of 16 kDa antigen of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to Pam2Cys, an agonist of Toll-like receptor-2.
date: 2013-11
date_type: published
publication: The Indian journal of medical research
volume: 138
number: 5
publisher: ICMR
pagerange: 744-8
refereed: TRUE
issn: 0971-5916
citation:   Gowthaman, Uthaman and Rai, Pradeep K and Zeng, Weiguang and Jackson, David C and Agrewala, J N  (2013) Lipidated promiscuous peptide augments the expression of MHC-II molecules on dendritic cells and activates T cells.  The Indian journal of medical research, 138 (5).  pp. 744-8.  ISSN 0971-5916