%A Shilpee Pal %A Gaurav Sharma %A Srikrishna Subramanian %O Copyright of this article belongs to SPRINGER %J BMC GENOMICS %T Complete genome sequence and identification of polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis genes of the myxobacterium Minicystis rosea DSM 24000(T) %X Myxobacteria harbor numerous biosynthetic gene clusters that can produce a diverse range of secondary metabolites. Minicystis rosea DSM 24000T is a soil-dwelling myxobacterium belonging to the suborderSorangiineae and family Polyangiaceae and is known to produce various secondary metabolites as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Here, we use whole-genome sequencing to explore the diversity of biosynthetic gene clusters in M. rosea. %N 1 %K comparative genomics; Evolution; Myxobacteria; Secondary metabolites; Whole-genome sequencing. %V 22 %D 2021 %I Springer %L open2718