%0 Journal Article %@ 0031-949X %A Bansal, Kanika %A Kumar, Sanjeet %A Patil, Prabhu B %D 2022 %F open:2964 %I The American Phytopathology %J Phytopathology %K Xanthomonas citri pathovars; pathotype; phylogenomics;quarantine; taxonogenomics %N 6 %P 1201-1207 %T Phylo-Taxonogenomics Supports Revision of Taxonomic Status of 20 Xanthomonas Pathovars to Xanthomonas citri %U http://crdd.osdd.net/open/2964/ %V 112 %X Based on phylo-taxonogenomics criteria, we present amended descriptions for 20 pathovars to Xanthomonas citri. Incidentally, 18 were first reported from India. Seven out of twenty are classified as X. axonopodis, 12 out of 20 as X. campestris, and one as X. cissicola. In this study, we have generated genome sequence data of four pathovars, and the genomes of the remaining 16 were used from the published data. Comprehensive genome-based phylogenomic and taxonogenomic analyses reveal that all these pathovars belong to X. citri and need to reconcile their taxonomic status. This proposal will aid in systematic studies of a major species and its constitutent members that infect economically important plants. %Z The copyright of this article belongs to The American Phytopathology