@article{open2977, volume = {59}, number = {5}, month = {May}, author = {Aikan Gupta and Yogesh Sharma and Ganesh P. Pawar and Ashish Ashish and D Nihalani and Vinod Chaudhari}, note = {The copyright of this article belongs to Wiley }, title = {An efficient and scalable synthesis of Isodesmosine}, publisher = {Wiley}, year = {2022}, journal = {Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry}, pages = {958--963}, url = {http://crdd.osdd.net/open/2977/}, abstract = {Isodesmosine is 1,2,3,5-tetrasubstituted pyridinium-based amino acid substituted with four lysine derivatives found in elastin which is the main component of elastic fiber. Elastin plays a vital role in providing stretchy properties to tissues and body organs. Isodesmsoine is a proven to be useful biomarker for elastin degradation during the progressing stage of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and related diseases. The present work reported an efficient and gram-scale approach for the synthesis of Isodesmosine, starting from readily available Boc-Asp-OtBu using mild reaction conditions.} }