TY - JOUR N1 - The copyright of this article belongs to Frontiers ID - open3041 UR - https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2022.1015111/full A1 - Ghosh, Devanita A1 - Whitworth, David E. A1 - Schafer, Hendrik A1 - Krishnamurthi, Srinivasan A1 - Saha, Pradipta Y1 - 2022/10/13/ PB - Frontiers JF - FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY VL - 13 KW - agro-ecosystems; biodegradation; bioremediation; heavy metals; xenobiotic. TI - Editorial: Microbial mitigation of hazardous compounds in agro-ecosystems ER -