%A Sandro Vivona %A Jennifer L Gardy %A Srinivasan Ramachandran %A Fiona S L Brinkman %A G.P.S. Raghava %A Darren R Flower %A Francesco Filippini %O Copyright of this articlebelongs to Elsevier Science. %J Trends in biotechnology %T Computer-aided biotechnology: from immuno-informatics to reverse vaccinology. %X Genome sequences from many organisms, including humans, have been completed, and high-throughput analyses have produced burgeoning volumes of 'omics' data. Bioinformatics is crucial for the management and analysis of such data and is increasingly used to accelerate progress in a wide variety of large-scale and object-specific functional analyses. Refined algorithms enable biotechnologists to follow 'computer-aided strategies' based on experiments driven by high-confidence predictions. In order to address compound problems, current efforts in immuno-informatics and reverse vaccinology are aimed at developing and tuning integrative approaches and user-friendly, automated bioinformatics environments. This will herald a move to 'computer-aided biotechnology': smart projects in which time-consuming and expensive large-scale experimental approaches are progressively replaced by prediction-driven investigations. %N 4 %P 190-200 %V 26 %D 2008 %I Elsevier Science %L open43