%0 Journal Article %@ 1471-2105 %A Ansari, Hifzur Rahman %A Raghava, G.P.S. %D 2010 %F open:525 %I BIomedcentral %J BMC bioinformatics %P 160 %T Identification of NAD interacting residues in proteins. %U http://crdd.osdd.net/open/525/ %V 11 %X For the first time a sequence-based method has been developed for the prediction of NAD binding proteins and their interacting residues, in the absence of any prior structural information. The present model will aid in the understanding of NAD+ dependent mechanisms of action in the cell. To provide service to the scientific community, we have developed a user-friendly web server, which is available from URL http://www.imtech.res.in/raghava/nadbinder/. %Z OPEN ACCESS