%A Deepak Singla %A Arun Sharma %A Jasjit Kaur %A Bharat Panwar %A G.P.S. Raghava %O OPEN ACCESS %J BMC pharmacology %T BIAdb: a curated database of benzylisoquinoline alkaloids. %X A database of benzylisoquinoline compounds has been created, which provides comprehensive information about benzylisoquinoline alkaloids. This database will be very useful for those who are working in the field of drug discovery based on natural products. This database will also serve researchers working in the field of synthetic biology, as developing medicinally important alkaloids using synthetic process are one of important challenges. This database is available from http://crdd.osdd.net/raghava/biadb/. %P 4 %V 10 %D 2010 %I BIomedcentral %L open529