%0 Journal Article %@ 1466-5026 %A Krishnamurthi, S %A Chakrabarti, T %A Stackebrandt, Erko %D 2009 %F open:560 %I International Union of Microbiological Societies %J International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology %N Pt 5 %P 1054-8 %T Re-examination of the taxonomic position of Bacillus silvestris Rheims et al. 1999 and proposal to transfer it to Solibacillus gen. nov. as Solibacillus silvestris comb. nov. %U http://crdd.osdd.net/open/560/ %V 59 %X Following the transfer of three of the six species enclosed in the original definition of rRNA group 2 of Bacillus to the genus Sporosarcina and two to Lysinibacillus, other species of this group, some of which were added later, still await taxonomic revision. In a recent publication, a set of 'core' characteristics was proposed for species to be included in the genus Bacillus (Kämpfer et al., 2006). Except for Bacillus silvestris, however, several or none of these properties are available for members of rRNA group 2. According to our analysis of data including the 'core' characteristics, Bacillus silvestris should not be a member of the genus Bacillus. We therefore propose the establishment of a new genus, Solibacillus gen. nov., and transfer Bacillus silvestris to this genus as Solibacillus silvestris comb. nov., with the type strain HR3-23(T) (=DSM 12223(T)=ATCC BAA-269(T)=CIP 106059(T)). %Z Copyright of this article belongs to International Union of Microbiological Societies.