@article{open657, volume = {10}, number = {5}, author = {U C Banerjee}, note = {Copyright of this article belongs to Wiley.}, title = {Production of {\ensuremath{\beta}}-glucosidase (cellobiase) by Curvularia sp.}, publisher = {Wiley}, year = {1990}, journal = {Letters in Applied Microbiology}, pages = {197--199}, url = {http://crdd.osdd.net/open/657/}, abstract = {A Curvularia sp. isolated from soil was found to produce extracellular {\ensuremath{\beta}}-glucosidase activity when grown in yeast extract, peptone, carboxymethylcellulose (YPC) medium. An initial medium pH of 6?5 and cultivation temperature of 30?C were found to be most suitable for high enzyme productivity. The pH and temperature optima for the enzyme were 4?0 and 70?C, respectively. Under these conditions, the enzyme exhibited a Km (0-nitrophenyl-{\ensuremath{\beta}}-d-glucoside) value of 0.20 mmol/l. Several divalent metal ions inhibited enzyme activity at high concentration. EDTA. also inhibited {\ensuremath{\beta}}-glucosidase activity. } }