@article{open678, volume = {7}, number = {2}, author = {P R Patnaik}, note = {Copyright of this article belongs to Springer Science.}, title = {Dependence of process variables on fermentation parameters during start-up of a continuous flow reactor with recombinant microorganisms}, publisher = {Springer Science}, year = {1993}, journal = {Biotechnology Techniques}, pages = {137--142}, url = {http://crdd.osdd.net/open/678/}, abstract = {A mathematical model is proposed to describe how the parametric dependences (sensitivities) of key process variables in a continuous flow fermenter using recombinant microorganisms vary with time. Solution of the model, with typical values for the parameters, indicates that most sensitivities increase several fold in about 20 hours. But the sensitivities of the product concentration either vanish or remain constant at low values. The presence of some plasmid-free cells when the fermentation begins does not seem to affect the sensitivities.} }