%A P.R. PATNAIK %O Copyright of this article belongs to Taylor and francis group. %J Chemical Engineering Communications %T Sensitivity Of Recombinant Fermentation With Run-Away Plasmids: A Structured Analysis Of The Effect Of Dilution Rate. %X A recently validated four-compartment model is used to describe intra-cellular dynamics during fermentations with recombinant microorganisms containing temperature-sensitive (run-away) plasmids. The time-dependent sensitivities with respect to the dilution rate have been computed for normal and run-away replication. During normal replication the cells are most sensitive in the early stage of fermentation, and the intra-cellular compartment containing RNA and ribosomes is more sensitive than the other three lumped components. This is explained through a buffering effect. During run-away replication the sensitives are either constant or increase slowly with time, and there is a shift in the relative sensitivities of the intra-cellular components. All sensitivities except that of the substrate increase as the dilution rate increases. %N 1 %K Fementation, Plasmids, Dilution rate, Recombinant. %P 125-140 %V 131 %D 1995 %I Taylor and francis group %R doi:10.1080/00986449508936287 %L open699