creators_name: Kar, S creators_name: Ghosh, R K creators_name: Ghosh, A N creators_name: Ghosh, A type: article datestamp: 2012-01-27 15:29:51 lastmod: 2012-01-27 15:29:51 metadata_visibility: show title: Integration of the DNA of a novel filamentous bacteriophage VSK from Vibrio cholerae 0139 into the host chromosomal DNA. ispublished: pub subjects: QR full_text_status: none keywords: Vibrio cholerae 0139;Filamentous phage;Single-stranded DNA phage;Integration note: Copyright of this article belongs to Wiley. abstract: An unusual filamentous bacteriophage, VSK, containing single-stranded, circular DNA as its genome was isolated from Vibrio cholerae 0139 strains P07 and B04. Unlike other single-stranded DNA phages, VSK can integrate its genome into the chromosome of the host and enter into a lysogenic state. The double-stranded replicative form (RF) of the single-stranded phage DNA was isolated. A restriction map of the VSK RF DNA was constructed using HaeII, AvaII, ClaI and XbaI. By Southern blot analysis of the chromosomal DNA of the lysogen using labeled phage DNA as probe, the attachment site (attP) on the viral genome was also identified. date: 1996-11-15 date_type: published publication: FEMS microbiology letters volume: 145 number: 1 publisher: Wiley pagerange: 17-22 refereed: TRUE issn: 0378-1097 official_url: related_url_url: related_url_type: pub citation: Kar, S and Ghosh, R K and Ghosh, A N and Ghosh, A (1996) Integration of the DNA of a novel filamentous bacteriophage VSK from Vibrio cholerae 0139 into the host chromosomal DNA. FEMS microbiology letters, 145 (1). pp. 17-22. ISSN 0378-1097