@article{open759, volume = {13}, number = {1}, author = {V. Pruthi and Swaranjit Singh Cameotra}, note = {Copyright of this article belongs to Springer Science.}, title = {Production of a biosurfactant exhibiting excellent emulsification and surface active properties bySerratia marcescens}, publisher = {Springer Science}, year = {1997}, journal = {World Journal of Microbiology \& Biotechnology}, pages = {133--135}, keywords = {Biosurfactant - emulsification - oil recovery - Serratia marcescens - surface-tension }, url = {http://crdd.osdd.net/open/759/}, abstract = {A biosurfactant exhibiting excellent emulsification activity and surface properties was isolated during growth ofSerratia marcescens on 2\% (w/v) sucrose. Reduction in surface tension values and increase in the yield of biosurfactant during the late log phase of growth indicates that the biosurfactant is a secondary microbial metabolite. The biosurfactant formed stable emulsions with a wide variety of hydrocarbons. The isolated surface-active compound has a potential application in enhanced oil recovery and is stable over a wide range of temperatures (10-120?C) and pH (2-12). This is the first report of effective and stable emulsion formation by a strain ofSerratia marcescens. } }