%A V. Pruthi %A Swaranjit Singh Cameotra %O Copyright of this article belongs to Springer Science. %J Journal of Surfactants and Detergents %T Novel sucrose lipid produced by Serratia marcescens and its application in enhanced oil recovery %X Serratia marcescens MTCC 86 when grown on sucrose produced a novel sucrose lipid that was different from the amino lipids produced from n-alkane by other strains of S. marcescens. The sucrose lipid isolated by acetone precipitation technique was found to be predominantly a mixture of 3-(3?-hydroxytetradecanoyloxy) decanoate and 3-(3?-hydroxyhexadecenoyloxy)decanoate. This sucrose lipid exhibited excellent emulsification activity with a wide variety of hydrocarbons. It was effective in re overing up to 90% residual oil from the oilsaturated sandpack column suggesting its use in enhanced oil recovery. It also showed a strong ability to remove oil from the walls of the containers, indicating its potential use in cleaning operations. %N 4 %K Biosurfactant, MEOR, Serratia, sucrose-lipid. %P 533-537 %V 3 %D 2000 %I Springer Science %R doi:10.1007/s11743-000-0153-9 %L open854