%A Terry Gullion %A Raghuvansh Kishore %A Tetsuo Asakura %O Copyright of this article belongs to ACS Publications. %J Journal of the American Chemical Society %T Determining dihedral angles and local structure in silk peptide by 13C-2H REDOR. %X 13C-2H REDOR NMR experiments were performed on 30-residue (AlaGly)15 silk I mimics of Bombyx mori silk fibroin to gain structural details about the elusive structure of the silk I conformation. 13C,2H-labeling strategies are illustrated for measuring individual dihedral angles in peptides and for determining local structure by REDOR. A major turn of type II character is found in the region Gly(14)-Ala(17). %N 25 %P 7510-1 %V 125 %D 2003 %I ACS Publications %L open931