Welcome to Home page of EbolaVCR

Ebola Virus Computational Resources (EbolaVCR) is the in silico resources developed to facilitate scientific community fighting against deadly virus EBOLA. This server enlists possible vaccine candidates, therapeutic siRNAs and other related resources.
Reference: Dhanda et. al. (2016) A web-based resource for designing therapeutics against Ebola Virus. Sci Rep. 6:24782.

Whole Genome of ebolaviruses

This page provides information about whole genome of ebolaviruses. Users may download the complete genome of each ebolavirus (available at NCBI) from this web page. Links to each gene/protein of each ebolavirus have been provided on this page. We have also integrated the genome visualization module for details of ebolavirus.

NC_006432.1 - Sudan (SUDV)- Complete genome sequence of an ebolavirus responsible for a 2000 outbreak of human disease in Uganda.

NC_004161.1 - Reston (RESTV)+ Molecular characterization of an isolate from the 1989/90 epizootic of Ebola virus Reston among macaques imported into the United States.

NC_002549.1 - Zaire (EBOV)+ Ebola virus EBOV, formerly designated Zaire ebola virus) is the sole member of the Zaire ebola virus species, and the most dangerous of the five known viruses within the genus Ebolavirus.

NC_014372.1 - Tai Forest (TAFV)+ Newly discovered ebola virus associated with hemorrhagic fever outbreak in Uganda.

NC_014373.1 Bundibugyo (BDBV)+ Newly discovered ebola virus associated with hemorrhagic fever outbreak in Uganda.