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Inhibitor Prediction

  KiDoQ (Mtb target)

  GDoQ (Mtb target)

  ABMpred (Mtb target)

  eBooster (Mtb target)

  MDRIpred (Mtb cell)

  CancerIN (Cancer)

  ntEGFR (Cancer EGFR)

  EGFRpred (Cancer EGFR)

  DiPCell (Pancreatic Cancer)

  DMKPred (Human Kinases)

  TLR4HI (Human TLR4)

  HIVFin (HIV)

Antigenic Properties

ADMET Properties

  MetaPred (Cytochrome P450)

  ToxiPred (Aqueous toxicity)

  DrugMint (Drug-like)

  QED (Oral drug-like)

  Format Conversion



Submission Form

Sketch Structure using JME editor 
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You have to enable Java and JavaScritpt on your machine !

(JME Editor courtesy of Peter Ertl, Novartis)

   Paste structure in Mol/Mol2 format    

    Upload File in Mol/Mol2 format    

   Select the input format (If structure is pasted or uploaded)
    MOL MOL2


Important Points
1. Always use well energy-minimized structure to avoid false predictions.
2. Sketched structure is saved as MOL file.
3. Babel is used to convert MOL format into MOL2 format, hence the structure is not minimized.
4. Docking is done with MOL2 format only.
1. Files input format should be properly selected to avoid false predictions
2. Result page must contain Autodock predicted Enegy values.
3. If energy values are missing, then the autodock has not run (dur to many reasons) and the predicted results may be false.

Institute of Microbial Technology