GENSCAN 1.0 Date run: 11-Dec-103 Time: 09:13:59 Sequence AB016625 : 25871 bp : 48.32% C+G : Isochore 2 (43 - 51 C+G%) Parameter matrix: HumanIso.smat Predicted genes/exons: Gn.Ex Type S .Begin ...End .Len Fr Ph I/Ac Do/T CodRg P.... Tscr.. ----- ---- - ------ ------ ---- -- -- ---- ---- ----- ----- ------ 1.01 Init + 222 614 393 2 0 88 90 825 0.810 79.44 1.02 Intr + 827 915 89 1 2 97 23 37 0.585 -3.13 1.03 Intr + 1109 1161 53 2 2 100 95 62 0.599 6.65 1.04 Term + 1805 1827 23 0 2 115 45 -2 0.481 -3.33 1.05 PlyA + 3600 3605 6 1.05 2.00 Prom + 6956 6995 40 -0.46 2.01 Init + 8459 8494 36 1 0 57 99 56 0.879 1.69 2.02 Intr + 8637 8740 104 2 2 66 110 128 0.967 11.77 2.03 Intr + 14410 14564 155 1 2 127 47 236 0.976 23.12 2.04 Intr + 15591 15762 172 1 1 94 89 109 0.710 10.60 2.05 Intr + 17283 17409 127 0 1 47 99 161 0.801 13.78 2.06 Intr + 19179 19279 101 2 2 62 68 156 0.991 9.91 2.07 Intr + 20948 21162 215 2 2 84 91 130 0.970 11.26 2.08 Intr + 22691 22873 183 0 0 110 111 168 0.996 21.06 2.09 Intr + 23935 24070 136 2 1 97 90 203 0.783 21.03 Predicted peptide sequence(s): Predicted coding sequence(s): >AB016625|GENSCAN_predicted_peptide_1|185_aa MRDYDEVTAFLGEWGPFQRLIFFLLSASIIPNGFTGLSSVFLIATPEHRCRVPDAANLSS AWRNHTVPLRLRDGREVPHSCRRYRLATIANFSALGLEPGRDVDLGQLEQESCLDGWEFS QDVYLSTIVTEVVSLASRPDGHFEEGTRKVLAVPGRCSMALYSFPYRPQPKNDNLVMPYT GTLAP >AB016625|GENSCAN_predicted_CDS_1|558_bp atgcgggactacgacgaggtgaccgccttcctgggcgagtgggggcccttccagcgcctc atcttcttcctgctcagcgccagcatcatccccaatggcttcaccggcctgtcctccgtg ttcctgatagcgaccccggagcaccgctgccgggtgccggacgccgcgaacctgagcagc gcctggcgcaaccacactgtcccactgcggctgcgggacggccgcgaggtgccccacagc tgccgccgctaccggctcgccaccatcgccaacttctcggcgctcgggctggagccgggg cgcgacgtggacctggggcagctggagcaggagagctgtctggatggctgggagttcagt caggacgtctacctgtccaccattgtgaccgaggtggtcagtctggcctcccgtcctgat ggccactttgaagagggtaccaggaaggtcctggcggtccctgggcgatgctctatggcc ctttactccttcccctaccgtccacaacccaaaaacgacaatctggtcatgccctacact ggcactctagctccctga >AB016625|GENSCAN_predicted_peptide_2|410_aa MGKKPALCLPAQWNLVCEDDWKAPLTISLFFVGVLLGSFISGQLSDRFGRKNVLFVTMGM QTGFSFLQIFSKNFEMFVVLFVLVGMGQISNYVAAFVLGTEILGKSVRIIFSTLGVCIFY AFGYMVLPLFAYFIRDWRMLLVALTMPGVLCVALWWFIPESPRWLISQGRFEEAEVIIRK AAKANGIVVPSTIFDPSELQDLSSKKQQSHNILDLLRTWNIRMVTIMSIMLWMTISVGYF GLSLDTPNLHGDIFVNCFLSAMVEVPAYVLAWLLLQYLPRRYSMATALFLGGSVLLFMQL VPPDLYYLATVLVMVGKFGVTAAFSMVYVYTAELYPTVVRNMGVGVSSTASRLGSILSPY FVYLGAYDRFLPYILMGSLTILTAILTLFLPESFGTPLPDTIDQMLRVKG >AB016625|GENSCAN_predicted_CDS_2|1230_bp atgggaaagaagcctgctctctgccttcctgcccagtggaacctggtgtgtgaggacgac tggaaggccccactcacaatctccttgttcttcgtgggtgtgctgttgggctccttcatt tcagggcagctgtcagacaggtttggccggaagaatgtgctgttcgtgaccatgggcatg cagacaggcttcagcttcctgcagatcttctcgaagaattttgagatgtttgtcgtgctg tttgtccttgtaggcatgggccagatctccaactatgtggcagcatttgtcctggggaca gaaattcttggcaagtcagttcgtataatattctctacgttaggagtgtgcatattttat gcatttggctacatggtgctgccactgtttgcttacttcatccgagactggcggatgctg ctggtggcgctgacgatgccgggggtgctgtgcgtggcactctggtggttcatccctgag tccccccgatggctcatctctcagggacgatttgaagaggcagaggtgatcatccgcaag gctgccaaagccaatgggattgttgtgccttccactatctttgacccgagtgagttacaa gacctaagttccaagaagcagcagtcccacaacattctggatctgcttcgaacctggaat atccggatggtcaccatcatgtccataatgctgtggatgaccatatcagtgggctatttt gggctttcgcttgatactcctaacttgcatggggacatctttgtgaactgcttcctttca gcgatggttgaagtcccagcatatgtgttggcctggctgctgctgcaatatttgccccgg cgctattccatggccactgccctcttcctgggtggcagtgtccttctcttcatgcagctg gtacccccagacttgtattatttggctacagtcctggtgatggtgggcaagtttggagtc acggctgccttttccatggtctacgtgtacacagccgagctgtatcccacagtggtgaga aacatgggtgtgggagtcagctccacagcatcccgcctgggcagcatcctgtctccctac ttcgtttaccttggtgcctacgaccgcttcctgccctacattctcatgggaagtctgacc atcctgacagccatcctcaccttgtttctcccagagagcttcggtaccccactcccagac accattgaccagatgctaagagtcaaaggn Explanation Gn.Ex : gene number, exon number (for reference) Type : Init = Initial exon Intr = Internal exon Term = Terminal exon Sngl = Single-exon gene Prom = Promoter PlyA = poly-A signal S : DNA strand (+ = input strand; - = opposite strand) Begin : beginning of exon or signal (numbered on input strand) End : end point of exon or signal (numbered on input strand) Len : length of exon or signal (bp) Fr : reading frame (a codon ending at x is in frame f = x mod 3) Ph : net phase of exon (length mod 3) I/Ac : initiation signal or acceptor splice site score (x 10) Do/T : donor splice site or termination signal score (x 10) CodRg : coding region score (x 10) P : probability of exon (sum over all parses containing exon) Tscr : exon score (depends on length, I/Ac, Do/T and CodRg scores) Comments The SCORE of a predicted feature (e.g., exon or splice site) is a log-odds measure of the quality of the feature based on local sequence properties. Thus, for example, a predicted donor splice site with score > 100 is excellent; 50-100 is acceptable; 0-50 is weak; and below 0 is poor (probably not a real donor site). The PROBABILITY of a predicted exon is the estimated probability under GENSCAN's model of genomic sequence structure that the exon is correct. This probability depends in general on global as well as local sequence properties. This information can be used to assess the reliability of the predicted exon, e.g., it would be better to design PCR primers based on a predicted exon with probability > 0.95 than one with lower probability.