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A neural network based MHC Class-I Binding Peptide Prediction Server
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Please cite "Bhasin M. and Raghava G P S (2006) A hybrid approach for predicting promiscuous MHC class I restricted T cell epitopes; J. Biosci. 32:31-42."


This is a comprehensive method for prediction of MHC binding peptides or CTL epitopes of 67 MHC alleles.The prediction for 30 alleles is based on the hybrid appoarch of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Quantitative Matrices (QM). The prediction for rest 37 MHC alleles is based on the quantiatative matrices.The predicted MHC binders are filtered to potential CTL epitopes by using Proteasomal matrices.


The prediction is based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) for 30b MHC alleles.The method provides the option to specify the cutoff score for prediction.The predicted MHC binders are filtered to potential CTL epitopes by refining through Proteasomal matrices.

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