Welcome to NPACT
NPACT is a curated database of Plant derived natural compounds that exhibit anti-cancerous activity. It contains 1574 entries and each record provides information on their structure, properties (physical, elemental and topological), cancer type, cell lines, inhibitory values (IC50, ED50, EC50, GI50), molecular targets, commercial suppliers and drug likeness of compounds. NPACT concentrates on anti-cancer natural compounds found in plants only. NPACT is unique in providing bioactivities of these natural compounds against different cancer cell lines and their molecular target

Search | Compound Name, CAS No, Class, SMILES, SMART, InChiKey, Pubchem Id, NPACT Id, Pubmed Id, Molecular Formula, Target Name, Inhibitory Values |
Browse | Compound name, Cancer type, Class name, Cancer cell lines, Suppliers |
Similarity Search Tool | Allows user to search similar structure |
NPACT includes data extracted by reading 762 full text articles. It currently provides details for 1574 bio-active compounds having activity against 353 cancer cell lines which corresponds to 5214 in-vitro compound-cell line interactions. For each of these interactions we provide experimentally determined inhibitory values (IC50, ED50, EC50, GI50). NPACT also provides information on in-vivo experiments as well as protein targets that have been demonstrated in cancer cell lines to be inhibited by these naturally occuring compounds. At present the database contents around 1980 experimentally validated compound-target interactions.
Each record in the NPACT is also hyperlinked to various other similar databases like Super Natural Database, Herbal Ingredients' Targets Database (HIT), Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD), NCI-60 GI50 data and PubChem.
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Please cite following paper, if you are using this database
Mangal M, Sagar P, Singh H, Raghava, G. P. S. and and Agarwal S.M. (2013) NPACT: Naturally Occurring Plant-based Anti-cancer Compound-Activity-Target database Nucleic Acids Research (NAR 2013, 41, D1124 - D1129)