PolysacDB ID | 2398 |
Carbohydrate Name | Lipoteichoic acids (LTAs) (Drugpedia) |
Carbohydrate Class | Glycolipid |
Microbe | Streptococcus mutans BHT (NCBI Taxonomy) (Drugpedia) |
Basic Structure | LTAs are amphiphiles composed of a membrane lipid or glycolipid which is covalently linked to a linear chain of 15 to 30 polyglycerophosphate (PGP) units
BCSDB Structure | N/A |
Proposed functions | Lipoteichoic acids (LTAs) are present on the surfaces of a majority of gram-positive bacteria and have been shown to constitute 1 to 2% of the dry weight of several organisms |
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodies | Ethylene oxide killed cells |
Carrier Name | Nil |
Conjugation Method | Nil |
Antibodies | Mab 8G10 |
Antibody type and class | IgM |
Assay System | Haemagglutination |
Cross-reactivity | This Mab cross-reacted with LTA from L.casei 6375 and also to some extent with the LTAs of L. fermentum and S. faecium |
Proposed epitopes | Glycerophosphate-glycerophosphateglycerol residue backbone seemed to be an important part of the epitope |
IEDB Epitope | N/A |
Proposed Utility | These highly specific reagents [Mabs] should prove useful not only for affinity purification of LTAs but also for experiments designed to define the putative role(s) of LTAs in biological processes |
Curator ID | AA + AS |
Date of Curation | 30-04-2011
References | PMC264251 |