PolysacDB ID | 2018 |
Carbohydrate Name | O-polysaccharide (Drugpedia) |
Carbohydrate Class | Lipopolysaccharide |
Microbe | Pseudomonas aeruginosa serotype 1 (NCBI Taxonomy) (Drugpedia) |
Basic Structure | The LPS consists of three regions, namely O-polysaccharide, core oligosaccharide and lipid A. The O-polysaccharide consists of the following residues : -4)-α-D-GalpNAcA3Ac6NH2-(1-->4)-α-D-GalpNFoA6NH2-(1-->3)-α-D-QuipNAc-(1-->2)-α-L-Rhap-(1-
BCSDB Structure | 9364 |
Proposed functions | N/A |
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodies | antigen extract from Pseudomonas aeruginosa serotype 1 [PVA-1] |
Carrier Name | Nil |
Conjugation Method | Nil |
Antibodies | Mab ES-P-1S-17 |
Antibody type and class | IgG3 |
Assay System | ELISA, passive protection tests |
Cross-reactivity | This Mab was specific to PVA-1 antigen |
Proposed epitopes | N/A |
IEDB Epitope | N/A |
Proposed Utility | This Mab had invivo protective activity |
Curator ID | AA + AS |
Date of Curation | 18-12-2010
References | 3081727 |