PolysacDB: A comprehensive database of microbial polysaccharide antigens and their antibodies

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Citation: Aithal A, Sharma A, Joshi S, Raghava GPS, Varshney GC (2012) PolysacDB: A Database of Microbial Polysaccharide Antigens and Their Antibodies. PLoS ONE 7(4): e34613. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0034613
Total Entries - 47

Entry No. - 1   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1001
Carbohydrate NameGlucurunoxylomannan   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
MicrobeCryptococcus neoformans serotype A   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureA linear (1-->3)-linked mannan backbone singly substituted with nonreducing β(1-->2) xylose and β(1-->2) glucuronic acid side branches ; O-acetyl groups are present at C-6 of the mannosyl residues
BCSDB Structure116826
Proposed functionsAntiphagocytic ; an important virulence factor
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesGlycoconjugates.
Carrier NamePseudomonas aeruginosa exoprotein A (rEPA), tetanus toxoid
Conjugation MethodGXM was derivatized by the following two methods. (i) In method 1, ADH [adipic acid dihydrazide] was introduced into GXM by the activation of carboxyl groups with EDAC. GXM (5 mg/ml of 0.2 M NaCl) was derivatized with 0.5 M ADH and 0.1 M EDAC at pH 4.85 for 3.5 h at room temperature, using a pH Stat. After extensive dialysis against 0.2 M NaCl, the reaction mixture was passed through a 2B-CL Sepharose column (1.5 by 30 cm) equilibrated in 0.2 M NaCl. The fractions containing GXM were pooled and concentrated to the original volume. (ii) In method 2, ADH was introduced into GXM by the activation of hydroxyl groups with CNBr. GXM (5 mg/ml of 0.2 M NaCl) was activated with an equal weight of CNBr at pH 10.5 for 6 min at 4°C, using a pH Stat. An equal volume of 0.5 M NaHCO3 (pH 8.5) containing 0.5 M ADH was added. The reaction mixture was tumbled at 3 to 8°C for 18 to 20 h, dialyzed against 0.2 M NaCl, and passed through a 2B-CL Sepharose column (1.5 by 30 cm). The fractions containing GXM were pooled and concentrated to the original volume. The reaction mixture, containing equal concentrations (3.0 to 7.5 mg/ml) of GXM-AH (derivatized by either method) and TT or rEPA in 0.2 M NaCl, was brought to pH 5.6 with 0.05 N HCl, and 0.05 to 0.1 M EDAC was added; the pH was maintained at 5.6 in a pH Stat for 1 to 3 h at 4°C. The reaction mixture was dialyzed against 0.2 M NaCl at 3 to 8°C and passed through a Sepharose 2B-CL column (1.5 by 30 cm) equilibrated in 0.2 M NaCl. The void volume fractions containing the GXM and the protein were pooled and stored in 0.01% thimerosal at 3 to 8°C
Antibody type and classIgM
Assay SystemDouble immunodiffusion, ELISA
Cross-reactivityPolsera cross-reacted with capsular polysaccharides of C neoformans serotype A and D
Proposed epitopesO-acetyl groups, glucuronyl residues
IEDB Epitope115576
Proposed UtilityThe conjugate vaccines prepared through hydroxyl activation of glucurunoxylomannan are sufficiently immunogenic and appear to be suitable for clinical evaluation
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation01-01-2010

Entry No. - 2   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1004
Carbohydrate NameCapsular polysaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
MicrobeHaemophilus influenzae type B   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureA relatively simple antigen consisting of repeating units of 3-β-D ribose-(1-->1)-D-ribitol-5-phosphate
BCSDB Structure23423
Proposed functionsAn important virulence determinant
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameNeisseria meningitidis group B outer membrane protein complex (Hib PS-OMP)
Conjugation MethodThe strategy uses a oligopeptide spacer molecule whose parts are derived from both modified Haemophilus influenzae capsular polysaccharide and Neisseria meningitides group B outer membrane complex
Antibody type and classIgG1 and IgG2
Assay SystemN\A
Proposed epitopesN\A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThese antibodies exert their protective effect by initiating complement-mediated activities including opsonization and bacterial lysis
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation01-01-2010

Entry No. - 3   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1005
Carbohydrate NameCapsular polysaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
MicrobeHaemophilus influenzae type B   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureA relatively simple antigen consisting of repeating units of 3-β-D ribose-(1-->1)-D-ribitol-5-phosphate
BCSDB Structure23423
Proposed functionsAn important virulence determinant
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameTetanus toxoid
Conjugation MethodProtein solutions (25 mg/ml) and Adipic acid dihydrazide [ADH] (3.45 rag/rag protein) were reacted with three different concentrations of EDAC (0 1, 0.3, and 0.6 rag/rag protein) The pH of the reaction mixture was maintained at 4.7 ± 0.2 with 0.1 N HC! The reaction proceeded at room temperature for 3 h and the reaction mixtures were dialyzed at 3-8°C with two changes/d against 6 liter of 0 2 M NaCI. The albumin and polysaccharide derivatives were then dialyzed against two 6-liter changes of deionized water and freeze-dried. The polysaccharide was activated with CNBr. Briefly, a solution of polysaccharide (5.0 mg/ml), equilibrated at 4°C, was rapidly brought to pH 10.5 with 0.1 N NaOH. 100 mg/ml CNBr was added to a final concentration of 0.4 mg/mg polysaccharide, and the pH maintained at 10.5 for 6 rain. Then the reaction mixture was brought to pH 8 5 with 0.5 M NaHCO3, and the CNBr-actlvated polysaccharide added to an equal weight of ADH-protein. The reaction mixture was tumbled gently overnight at 3-8°C and then centrifuged at 16,000 g, 4°C for 20 ram. The supernatant was passed through a CL-4B Sepharose column, 1 5 × 90 cm, that was equihbrated with 0 2 M ammonium acetate. The void-volume fractions were pooled, dialyzed against 0.01 M phosphate-buffered 0.145 M NaCI, pH 7.0, at 3-8°C, and passed through a 045-nm membrane and stored at 3-8°C
Antibody type and classIgG and IgA
Assay SystemRadioimmunoassay
Proposed epitopesN\A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThese antibodies exert their protective effect by initiating complement-mediated activities including opsonization and bacterial lysis
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation02-01-2010

Entry No. - 4   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1012
Carbohydrate NameCapsular polysaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
MicrobeStreptococcus Group B   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureA basic backbone of the following residues: -3-β-D-Galp-(1-->4) -β-D-Glcp[branched to 1-->4-D-Glp-α-D-NeuNACp]-(1-->6)-β-D-GlcNAcp-1-
BCSDB Structure6237
Proposed functionsInvades the blood stream and multiply. This property of invasiveness is related to the anti-phagocytic properties conferred by its Capsular polysaccharide
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameTetanus toxoid
Conjugation MethodType III polysaccharide was activated with cyanogen bromide at pH 10.5 for 6 min at 4°C in a pH stat. Adipic acid dihydrazide [AH] was added in 0.5 M NaHCO3 to a final concentration of 0.25 M, pH 8.5. After tumbling for 18 h at 3 to 8°C, the reaction mixture was dialyzed against 0.2 M NaCl at 3 to 8°C and passed through a 4B-CL Sepharose column. The polysaccharide-containing fractions were pooled, dialyzed against sterile pyrogen-free water, and freeze-dried. A solution containing 10 mg each of type III-AH and tetanus toxoid [TT} per ml was brought to pH 5.6 with 0.1 N HCl. 1-Ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-carbodiimide was added to a final concentration of 0.05 M, and the pH was maintained at 5.6 with 0.1 N NaOH for 3 h at room temperature. The reaction mixture was dialyzed against 0.2 M NaCl at 3 to 8°C and was passed through a 4B-CL Sepharose column (5 by 95 cm) equilibrated in 0.2 M NaCl. The void volume fractions were stored in 0.01% thimerosal at 3 to 8°C
Antibody type and classMainly IgG, particularly IgG1 and IgG3
Assay SystemDouble immunodiffusion, capillary precipitation, ELISA
Proposed epitopesN\A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityAntibodies elicited by the conjugates had in vitroopsonic activities proposed to be a correlate of protective immunity
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation04-01-2010

Entry No. - 5   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1015
Carbohydrate NameBeta-glucan   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
MicrobeCandida albicans   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureGlucans are a heterogeneous group of glucose polymers, consisting of a backbone of β(1-->3)-linked β-D-glucopyranosyl units with β(1-->6)-linked side chains of varying distribution and length
BCSDB Structure125281
Proposed functionsGlucan is an essential cell wall component in pathogenic fungi and plays a critical role in cell viability
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameDiphtheria toxoid CRM 197
Conjugation MethodA 20-fold molar excess of activated polysaccharide was reacted overnight with the protein, at room temperature, in 10 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.2. The unbound polysaccharide was separated from the glyco-conjugate by ultrafiltration, using Amicon 10-kD filter devices
Antibody type and classIgG
Assay SystemInvivo protection assays, growth inhibition assays, indirect ELISA
Proposed epitopesN\A
IEDB Epitope76671
Proposed UtilityThe Lam-CRM conjugate is immunogenic and protective against systemic candidiasis in mice. The antibodies induce passive protection in mice against systemic and mucosal candidiasis
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation04-01-2010

Entry No. - 6   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1046
Carbohydrate NameLipopolysaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassLipopolysaccharide
MicrobeSalmonella typhimurium SR-11   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureLPS is composed of three parts: (1) lipid A, (2) core polysaccharide, and (3) O antigen. The lipid A region contains two glucosamine sugar derivatives, each with three fatty acids and phosphate or pyrophosphate attached. The core polysaccharide has KDO and attached to lipid A. The side chain O is small polysaccharide chain extending outward from the core, it has several peculiar sugars and varies in composition between bacterial strains.
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed functionsLPS is most unusual constituents of outer membrane. It plays important role in host defence avoidance. LPS contributes to the negative charge of the bacterial surface. Lipid A is often toxic and act as endotoxin
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesLive S.typhimurium SR cells.
Carrier NameNil
Conjugation MethodNil
Antibody type and classIgG
Assay SystemELISA Hemaggluttination assay
Cross-reactivityThis antibody was cross-reactive with Salmonella typhimurium LT-2, Salmonella typhimurium derby. Salmonella typhimurium dublin, Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella paratyphi A.
Proposed epitopesO-polysaccharide
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis antibody can be used in serological assays to detect the desired antigen.
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation14-01-2010

Entry No. - 7   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1122
Carbohydrate NameO-polysaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassLipopolysaccharide
MicrobeActinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotype 1   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureThe O-polsaccharide structure is as follows :
--6)-α-D-Glcp-(1-->2)-α-L-Rhap-(l-->2)-α-L-Rhap-(1--. which is linked to 1-D-GlcpNAc chains on its rhamnopyranosyl residue via 1-->3 linkage.
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed functionsLPS is an important virulence factor. It molecule plays an important role in adherence of the bacterium to porcine respiratory tract cells and mucus
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesFormalin-fixed A. pleuropneumoniae serotype 1 cells
Carrier NameNil
Conjugation MethodNil
Antibody type and classN/A
Assay SystemELISA
Cross-reactivityThis antibody cross-reacted with serotypes 9 and 11
Proposed epitopesThe epitope was deduced to contain the terminal nonreducing -D-Glc NAc residues
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis antisera not only helped in serotyping analysis but also helped in deducing the epitopes recognized
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation06-02-2010

Entry No. - 8   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1123
Carbohydrate NameO-polysaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassLipopolysaccharide
MicrobeActinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotype 9   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureThe structure consists of trisaccharide backbone randomly substituted by N-acetyl-β-D-glucosamine end groups (to the extent of 25%)
BCSDB Structure131785
Proposed functionsLPS is an important virulence factor. It molecule plays an important role in adherence of the bacterium to porcine respiratory tract cells and mucus
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesFormalin-fixed A. pleuropneumoniae serotype 9 cells
Carrier NameNil
Conjugation MethodNil
Antibody type and classN/A
Assay SystemELISA
Cross-reactivityThis antibody cross-reacted with serotypes 1 and 12. also cross-reacted with deaminated Serotype1 O-PS
Proposed epitopesThe epitope was deduced to contain the terminal nonreducing -D-Glc NAc residues. A second epitope was said to be directed to linear regions of the backbone polymer
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis antisera not only helped in serotyping analysis but also helped in deducing the epitopes recognized
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation06-02-2010

Entry No. - 9   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1124
Carbohydrate NameCapsular polysaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
MicrobeActinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotype 1   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureN/A
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed functionsN/A
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesWhole cells
Carrier NameNil
Conjugation MethodNil
Antibody type and classN/A
Assay SystemELISA
Cross-reactivityThis antibody was specific to serotype 1 only
Proposed epitopesN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityN/A
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation07-02-2010

Entry No. - 10   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1149
Carbohydrate NameLipopolysaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassLipopolysaccharide
MicrobeBacteroides fragilis NCTC 9344   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureN/A
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed functionsLPS polysaccharide of B. fragilis may represent a virulence factor
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesLive cells of B. fragilis strains NCTC 9344
Carrier NameNil
Conjugation MethodNil
Antibody type and classN/A
Assay SystemImmunoblotting
Proposed epitopesN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityN/A
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation17-02-2010

Entry No. - 11   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1150
Carbohydrate NameLipopolysaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassLipopolysaccharide
MicrobeBacteroides fragilis strains GNAB4   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureN/A
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed functionsLPS polysaccharide of B. fragilis may represent a virulence factor
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesLive cells of B. fragilis strains GNAB4
Carrier NameNil
Conjugation MethodNil
Antibody type and classN/A
Assay SystemImmunoblotting
Proposed epitopesN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityN/A
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation17-02-2010

Entry No. - 12   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1151
Carbohydrate NameLipopolysaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassLipopolysaccharide
MicrobeBacteroides fragilis strains GNAB92   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureN/A
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed functionsLPS polysaccharide of B. fragilis may represent a virulence factor
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesLive cells of B. fragilis strains GNAB 92
Carrier NameNil
Conjugation MethodNil
Antibody type and classN/A
Assay SystemImmunoblotting
Proposed epitopesN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityN/A
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation18-02-2010

Entry No. - 13   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1155
Carbohydrate NameLipopolysaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassLipopolysaccharide
MicrobeBacteroides fragilis NCTC 9343   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureThe polysaccharide part of the LPS mainly consists of two fractions : PSI : β-D-Galp(1-->6)β-D-Galp(1-->6)β-D-Galp(1-->6)Residue1-α-D-Glcp [branched to Residue no. 2](1-->2)α-L-Rhap and PSII : β-D-Galp(1-->4)α-D-Glcp [Branched to β-D-Galp(1-->6)](1-->2)α-L-Rhap
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed functionsLPS polysaccharide of B. fragilis may represent a virulence factor
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesWhole cells of B. fragilis NCTC 9343
Carrier NameNil
Conjugation MethodNil
Antibody type and classN/A
Assay SystemELISA
Cross-reactivityThis antisera cross-reacted with 13 strains of B. fragilis
Proposed epitopesGalactose chains was proposed to be an important part of the epitope
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis antisera can be used in serotyping schemes for this particular bacteria
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation19-02-2010

Entry No. - 14   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1156
Carbohydrate NameLipopolysaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassLipopolysaccharide
MicrobeBacteroides fragilis ATCC 23745   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureN/A
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed functionsLPS polysaccharide of B. fragilis may represent a virulence factor
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesWhole cells of B. fragilis NCTC 9344
Carrier NameNil
Conjugation MethodNil
Antibody type and classN/A
Assay SystemELISA
Cross-reactivityThis antisera cross-reacted with 13 strains of B. fragilis
Proposed epitopesGalactose chains was proposed to be an important part of the epitope
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis antisera can be used in serotyping schemes for this particular bacteria
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation20-02-2010

Entry No. - 15   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1157
Carbohydrate NameCapsular Polysaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
MicrobeBacteroides fragilis strain 638R   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureN/A
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed functionsCapsular polysaccharide of B. fragilis may represent a virulence factor
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesWhole cells of B. fragilis strain 638R
Carrier NameNil
Conjugation MethodNil
Antibody type and classN/A
Assay SystemImmunodiffusion
Proposed epitopesN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis antisera helped in the discovery of 3 different types of surface polysaccharides on the capsule
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation21-02-2010

Entry No. - 16   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1262
Carbohydrate NameO-polysaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassLipopolysaccharide
MicrobeCampylobacter fetus 553 and 554   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureThe LPS molecule of C. fetus is composed of three distinct structural domains: a hydrophobic lipid A portion which forms the outer leaflet of the outer membrane and which contains the endotoxic activity, a low-molecular-weight oligosaccharide core complex, and a variable-length O-specific polysaccharide chain with repeating oligosaccharide units (O-antigen)
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed functionsThe LPS O-antigens are the basis of the C. fetus heat-stable serotyping Scheme
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesA mixture (1:1) of C. fetus 553 and 554 formalin-killed cells
Carrier NameNil
Conjugation MethodNil
Antibody type and classN/A
Assay SystemIndirect ELISA, immunoblotting,
Cross-reactivityThis antibody was specific to O antigen of C. fetus 553 and 554
Proposed epitopesN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis antisera can be used to serotype C. fetus strains
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation02-05-2010

Entry No. - 17   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1448
Carbohydrate NameCapsular polysaccharide [heteroglycan]   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
MicrobeEnterococcus faecalis type V   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureIt is composed of rhamnose, glucose, galactose, mannosamine, and glucosamine
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed functionsThese polysaccharides are major virulence factors
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameTetanus toxoid
Conjugation MethodPSs were oxidized with 0.5 ml of 10 mM NaI4 at room temperature for 90 min, dialyzed and lyophilized. The oxidized PS was reacted with 2 mg of tetanus toxoid in PBS with the addition of 10 mg of NaCNBH3
Antibody type and classN/A
Assay SystemCompetitive inhibition ELISA
Cross-reactivityThis antibody cross-reacted with E. faecalis strain 68114, 324057B and R19001. did not cross-react with E. faecalis type II PS and vancomycin-resistant E. faecium B210860
Proposed epitopesN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityN/A
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation13-07-2010

Entry No. - 18   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1449
Carbohydrate NameCapsular polysaccharide [heteroglycan]   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
MicrobeEnterococci faecium B210860   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureIt is composed of rhamnose, glucose, galactose, mannosamine, and glucosamine
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed functionsThese polysaccharides are major virulence factors
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameTetanus toxoid
Conjugation MethodPSs were oxidized with 0.5 ml of 10 mM NaI4 at room temperature for 90 min, dialyzed and lyophilized. The oxidized PS was reacted with 2 mg of tetanus toxoid in PBS with the addition of 10 mg of NaCNBH4
Antibody type and classN/A
Assay SystemCompetitive inhibition ELISA
Cross-reactivityThis antibody was specific to E. faecium B210860 only and did not cross-react with polysaccharides from E. faecalis type II, 68114, and R19001
Proposed epitopesN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityN/A
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation13-07-2010

Entry No. - 19   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1460
Carbohydrate NameLipopolysaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassLipopolysaccharide
MicrobeHaemophilus ducreyi CCUG 4438   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureIt consist of an oligosaccharide core ketosidically linked via a 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid (Kdo) residue to the lipid A region. The oligosaccharide core characteristic of these bacteria has been divided into two regions: (i) an inner core, consisting of three L-glycero-D-manno-heptose (Hep) residues and one phosphorylated Kdo residue, and (ii) an outer core, with one or more heterogeneous oligosaccharide branches containing mainly galactose (Gal) and glucose (Glc) residues
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed functionsLPS plays an important role in the infection process
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesWhole cells
Carrier NameNil
Conjugation MethodNil
Antibody type and classN/A
Assay SystemELISA and immunoblotting
Cross-reactivityThe antiserum to CCUG 4438 reacted with only its homologous strain and strain ITM 4747
Proposed epitopesN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis antisera would aid in the classification of H. ducreyi for epidemiological purposes
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation23-07-2010

Entry No. - 20   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1461
Carbohydrate NameLipopolysaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassLipopolysaccharide
MicrobeHaemophilus ducreyi CCUG 7470   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureIt consist of an oligosaccharide core ketosidically linked via a 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid (Kdo) residue to the lipid A region. The oligosaccharide core characteristic of these bacteria has been divided into two regions: (i) an inner core, consisting of three L-glycero-D-manno-heptose (Hep) residues and one phosphorylated Kdo residue, and (ii) an outer core, with one or more heterogeneous oligosaccharide branches containing mainly galactose (Gal) and glucose (Glc) residues
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed functionsLPS plays an important role in the infection process
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesWhole cells
Carrier NameNil
Conjugation MethodNil
Antibody type and classN/A
Assay SystemELISA and immunoblotting
Cross-reactivityThe antiserum to CCUG 7470 reacted with all H. ducreyi strains
Proposed epitopesN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis antisera would aid in the classification of H. ducreyi for epidemiological purposes
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation23-07-2010

Entry No. - 21   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1464
Carbohydrate NameCapsular polysaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
MicrobeEnterococcus faecalis 12030   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureGlycerol teichoic acid-like molecules with a carbohydrate backbone structure of 6-α-D-glucose- 1-->2 glycerol-3-PO4 with substitution on carbon 2 of the glucose with an α-2-1-D-glucose residue
BCSDB Structure2446
Proposed functionsThese polysaccharides are major virulence factors
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesGentamicin-killed Enterococcus faecalis strains
Carrier NameNil
Conjugation MethodNil
Antibody type and classN/A
Assay SystemOpsonophagocytic assay, immunoelectron microscopy
Cross-reactivityThis antisera reacted with the homologous strain (12030) and mediated opsonic killing of 33% of all strains tested. In addition, this serum killed two (28%) of seven vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium strains
Proposed epitopesN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis antisera was opsonophagcytic
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation24-07-2010

Entry No. - 22   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1465
Carbohydrate NameCapsular polysaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
MicrobeEnterococcus faecalis 12030   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureGlycerol teichoic acid-like molecules with a carbohydrate backbone structure of 6-α-D-glucose- 1-->2 glycerol-3-PO4 with substitution on carbon 2 of the glucose with an α-2-1-D-glucose residue
BCSDB Structure2446
Proposed functionsThese polysaccharides are major virulence factors
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesCapsular polysaccharide
Carrier NameNil
Conjugation MethodNil
Antibody type and classIgM
Assay SystemELISA and opsonophagocytic assay
Cross-reactivityThe antisera cross-reacted with Enterococcus faecalis OG1RF and against two serologically related, vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium clinical isolates
Proposed epitopesN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThese antibodies may be useful for prophylaxis and treatment of enterococcal infections
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation25-07-2010

Entry No. - 23   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1470
Carbohydrate NameUnknown carbohydrate   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassGlycoprotein
MicrobeHelicobacter pylori D273   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureN/A
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed functionsN/A
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesWhole cells
Carrier NameNil
Conjugation MethodNil
Antibody type and classN/A
Assay SystemELISA, Immunoelectron microscopy, immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase assays
Cross-reactivityThis antisera was specific to Helicobacter pylori and did not cross-react with other Helicobacter species (H. fennelliae and H.mustelae) did not react
Proposed epitopesN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis antisera may yield useful information concerning the real surface of the bacterium
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation27-07-2010

Entry No. - 24   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1494
Carbohydrate NameCapsular polysaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
MicrobeCryptococcus neoformans Serotype A [strain 24064]   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureThe major component of C. neoformans capsular polysaccharide is glucurunoxylomannan [GXM] consisting of an unbranched mannose backbone substituted with xylose, glucuronic acid and O-acetyl residues
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed functionsC. neoformans has a large polysaccharide capsule that is a determinant of virulence. The capsular polysaccharide causes immunologic paralysis and inhibits phagocytosis by macrophages. Soluble C. neoformans capsular polysaccharide enhances human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] infection in cultured cells, suggesting a new pathogenic role in AIDS
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesWhole cells
Carrier NameNil
Conjugation MethodNil
Antibody type and classIgG [predominantly IgG1]
Assay SystemELISA
Cross-reactivityThis antibody cross-reacted with Serotype D strains
Proposed epitopesN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityN/A
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation03-08-2010

Entry No. - 25   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1495
Carbohydrate NameCapsular polysaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
MicrobeCryptococcus neoformans Serotype A [strain 24064]   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureThe major component of C. neoformans capsular polysaccharide is glucurunoxylomannan [GXM] consisting of an unbranched mannose backbone substituted with xylose, glucuronic acid and O-acetyl residues
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed functionsC. neoformans has a large polysaccharide capsule that is a determinant of virulence. The capsular polysaccharide causes immunologic paralysis and inhibits phagocytosis by macrophages. Soluble C. neoformans capsular polysaccharide enhances human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] infection in cultured cells, suggesting a new pathogenic role in AIDS
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesWhole cells
Carrier NameNil
Conjugation MethodNil
Antibody type and classIgM
Assay SystemELISA
Cross-reactivityThis antibody cross-reacted with Serotype D strains
Proposed epitopesN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityN/A
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation03-08-2010

Entry No. - 26   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1496
Carbohydrate NameGlucurunoxylomannan   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
MicrobeCryptococcus neoformans Serotype A [strain 24064]   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureThe major component of C. neoformans capsular polysaccharide is glucurunoxylomannan [GXM] consisting of an unbranched mannose backbone substituted with xylose, glucuronic acid and O-acetyl residues
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed functionsC. neoformans has a large polysaccharide capsule that is a determinant of virulence. The capsular polysaccharide causes immunologic paralysis and inhibits phagocytosis by macrophages. Soluble C. neoformans capsular polysaccharide enhances human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] infection in cultured cells, suggesting a new pathogenic role in AIDS
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameTetanus toxoid
Conjugation MethodGXM was conjugated to tetanus toxoid using CDAP precipitation
Antibody type and classIgG [predominantly IgG1]
Assay SystemELISA
Cross-reactivityThis antibody cross-reacted with Serotype D strains
Proposed epitopesN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityN/A
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation04-08-2010

Entry No. - 27   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1503
Carbohydrate NameO-polysaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassLipopolysaccharide
MicrobeAcinetobacter baumannii strain 24   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureAcinetobacter LPSs consist of a polysaccharide covalently linked to a lipid component, termed lipid A, which anchors the LPS in the outer membrane. This polysaccharide is divided into the core oligosaccharide (linked to lipid A) and the O-polysaccharide or O-antigen. This type of LPS is referred to as the smooth- or S-form phenotype; the O-antigens are characteristic for a given LPS and the parental bacterial strain
BCSDB Structure5534
Proposed functionsSince all recently investigated LPSs from Acinetobacter strains have been shown to be of the smooth phenotype, a serotyping scheme for identification of members of this genus may also be possible
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesHeat killed bacteria
Carrier NameNil
Conjugation MethodNil
Antibody type and classN/A
Assay SystemEnzyme immunoassay
Cross-reactivityThe antisera cross-reacted with 13 strains A. baumannii
Proposed epitopesN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis Mab can be used to detect the presence of bacterial antigens in lungs from infected animals
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation06-08-2010

Entry No. - 28   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1513
Carbohydrate NameLipopolysaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassLipopolysaccharide
MicrobeKlebsiella strains KD2   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureO-1 side chain of the LPS is proposed to contain a disaccharide repeat unit consisting of [-α-D-Galp-(1->3)-β-D-Galf-] (1->4), where Gal is galactose
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed functionsThese major cell surface antigens play important roles in the ability of the bacterium to evade host cell defenses
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesFormalinized whole cells
Carrier NameNil
Conjugation MethodNil
Antibody type and classN/A
Assay SystemELISA and immunoblotting
Cross-reactivityThe antisera reacted most strongly against the HMW-LPS fraction of Kliebsiella strain KD2 but also recognized the LMW-LPS of KLebsiella strains KD37 and KD2
Proposed epitopesN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis antibody may help in the stuctural and functional elucidation of O1 side chain of Klebsiella LPS
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation09-08-2010

Entry No. - 29   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1514
Carbohydrate NameLipopolysaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassLipopolysaccharide
MicrobeKlebsiella strains KD37   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureO-1 side chain of the LPS is proposed to contain a disaccharide repeat unit consisting of [-α-D-Galp-(1->3)-β-D-Galf-] (1->4), where Gal is galactose
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed functionsThese major cell surface antigens play important roles in the ability of the bacterium to evade host cell defenses
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesFormalinized whole cells
Carrier NameNil
Conjugation MethodNil
Antibody type and classN/A
Assay SystemELISA and immunoblotting
Cross-reactivityThis antisera reacted with the full complement of High molecular weight LPS and Low molecular weight LPS but had no apparent response against the lipid A core
Proposed epitopesN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis antibody may help in the stuctural and functional elucidation of O1 side chain of Klebsiella LPS
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation09-08-2010

Entry No. - 30   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1540
Carbohydrate NameExcreted Factor [EF] antigen   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassGlycoprotein
MicrobeLeishmania tropica major   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureN/A
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed functionsN/A
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesLiving promastigotes
Carrier NameNil
Conjugation MethodNil
Antibody type and classIgG and IgM
Assay SystemImmunodiffusion
Cross-reactivityThe antisera cross-reacted with Israeli and Russian L. tropica major, L. mexicana, Leishmania aethiopica, and Leishmania enriettii and L. tropica minor
Proposed epitopesN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis antisera would help in the serotyping of Leishmania species
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation02-09-2010

Entry No. - 31   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1571
Carbohydrate NameLipopolysaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassLipopolysaccharide
MicrobeLeptospira interrogans serovar pomona   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureThe oligosaccharide contained rhamnose, ribose, glucose, and glucosamine
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed functionsN/A
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameDiphtheria toxoid
Conjugation MethodThe oligosaccharide was modified as follows : it was dissolved in N-ethylmorpholine-water-12 N HCl (2.5:6.5:1 [vol/vol/vol], pH 8.5) in concentrations of approximately 24 umol in 250ul. 125umol of N-succinimidyl S-acetylmercaptoacetate in 250ul of N,N dimethylacetamide was added to the oligosaccharide. This solution was added to modified diphtheria toxoid
Antibody type and classIgG and IgM
Assay SystemEnzyme Immunoassay, immunoblotting and dot blot
Cross-reactivityThis antisera cross-reacted with LPS from some other leptospiral serovars (serovars hardjobovis, ballum, copenhageni, canicola, grippotyphosa, and batavia) and LPS from other bacteria (Salmonella typhimurium and the Re mutant of Shigella flexneri) and did not react with serovars australis, grippotyphosa, ballum, or tarassovi
Proposed epitopesN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis antiserum induced a high CL response in mouse macrophage monolayers
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation10-09-2010

Entry No. - 32   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1578
Carbohydrate NameN-propionylated group B meningococcal polysaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
MicrobeNeisseria meningitidis Serogroup B   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureIt is a homopolymer of α(2-->8) sialic acid
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed functionsThis capsular polysaccharide is an important virulence determinant. Serum antibodies to the group B polysaccharide confers protection against disease by activating complement-mediated bacteriolysis and/or opsonization. It leads to immunologic tolerance induced by prenatal exposure to host polysialyated glycoproteins
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameTetanus toxoid
Conjugation MethodNil
Antibody type and classN/A
Assay SystemRadioactive binding inhibition assay, ELISA, Bactericidal assay
Cross-reactivityThis antisera cross-reacted with capsular polysaccharide of E. coli K1
Proposed epitopesN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis antisera was bactericidal for Group B meningococci
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation12-09-2010

Entry No. - 33   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1617
Carbohydrate NameLipooligosaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassLipopolysaccharide
MicrobeMoraxella catarrhalis serotype A   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureLOS consists of an oligosaccharide and lipid A and is similar to the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of gramnegative enteric pathogens, but it lacks the O-antigenic side chain of repeating units characteristic of classical LPS. The oligosaccharide part consists of the following residues : α-D-Galp-(1-->4)-β-D-Galp-(1-->4)-α-D-Glcp-(1-->2)-β-D-Glcp-(1-->6)-α-D-Glcp [branched to α-D-GlcpNAc-(1-->2)-β-D-Glcp-(1-->4)] and [branched to β-D-Glcp-(1-->3)] -(1-->5)-Kdo
BCSDB Structure22728
Proposed functionsMoracella lipooligosaccharide is a potential virulence factor
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesWhole cells
Carrier NameNil
Conjugation MethodNil
Antibody type and classN/A
Assay SystemELISA and immunoblotting
Cross-reactivityThis antisera was specific to serotype A
Proposed epitopesA terminal α-D-GlcNAc-(1-->2)-β-D-Glc seemed to be a part of the epitope
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis antisera may help in sertotyping of moraxella strains
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation23-09-2010

Entry No. - 34   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1618
Carbohydrate NameLipooligosaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassLipopolysaccharide
MicrobeMoraxella catarrhalis serotype B   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureLOS consists of an oligosaccharide and lipid A and is similar to the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of gramnegative enteric pathogens, but it lacks the O-antigenic side chain of repeating units characteristic of classical LPS. The oligosaccharide part consists of the following residues : α-D-Galp-(1-->4)-β-D-Galp-(1-->4)-α-D-Glcp-(1-->2)-β-D-Glcp-(1-->4)-α-D-Glcp [branched to α-D-Galp-(1-->4)-&blpha;-D-Galp-(1-->4)-α-D-Glcp-(1-->2)-β-D-Glcp-(1-->6)] and [branched to β-D-Glcp-(1-->3)] -(1-->5)-Kdo
BCSDB Structure21752
Proposed functionsMoracella lipooligosaccharide is a potential virulence factor
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesWhole cells
Carrier NameNil
Conjugation MethodNil
Antibody type and classN/A
Assay SystemELISA and immunoblotting
Cross-reactivityThis antisera was specific to serotype B
Proposed epitopesA terminal β-D-Gal-(1-->4)-β-D-Glc seemed to be a part of the epitope
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis antisera may help in sertotyping of moraxella strains
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation24-09-2010

Entry No. - 35   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1619
Carbohydrate NameLipooligosaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassLipopolysaccharide
MicrobeMoraxella catarrhalis serotype C   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureLOS consists of an oligosaccharide and lipid A and is similar to the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of gramnegative enteric pathogens, but it lacks the O-antigenic side chain of repeating units characteristic of classical LPS. The oligosaccharide part consists of the following residues : α-D-Galp-(1-->4)-β-D-Galp-(1-->4)-α-D-Glcp-(1-->2)-β-D-Glcp-(1-->6)-α-D-Glcp [branched to β-D-Galp-(1-->4)-α-D-GlcpNAc-(1-->2)-β-D-Glcp-(1-->4)] and [branched to β-D-Glcp-(1-->3)] -(1-->5)-α-Kdop [branched to Kdop-(2-->4)]
BCSDB Structure22728
Proposed functionsMoracella lipooligosaccharide is a potential virulence factor
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesWhole cells
Carrier NameNil
Conjugation MethodNil
Antibody type and classN/A
Assay SystemELISA and immunoblotting
Cross-reactivityThis antisera cross-reacted with Serotype A LPS
Proposed epitopesA terminal β-D-Gal-(1-->4)-α-D-GlcNA seemed to be a part of the epitope
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis antisera may help in sertotyping of moraxella strains
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation24-09-2010

Entry No. - 36   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1620
Carbohydrate NameLipooligosaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassLipopolysaccharide
MicrobeMoraxella catarrhalis B strain 26397   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureLOS consists of an oligosaccharide and lipid A and is similar to the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of gramnegative enteric pathogens, but it lacks the O-antigenic side chain of repeating units characteristic of classical LPS. The oligosaccharide part consists of the following residues : α-D-Galp-(1-->4)-β-D-Galp-(1-->4)-α-D-Glcp-(1-->2)-β-D-Glcp-(1-->4)-α-D-Glcp [branched to α-D-Galp-(1-->4)-&blpha;-D-Galp-(1-->4)-α-D-Glcp-(1-->2)-β-D-Glcp-(1-->6)] and [branched to β-D-Glcp-(1-->3)] -(1-->5)-Kdo
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed functionsMoracella lipooligosaccharide is a potential virulence factor
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameTetanus toxoid
Conjugation MethodAdipic acid dihydrazide [ADH] was introduced to the carboxyl group of Kdo moiety of the detoxified lipooligosaccharide [LOS] to form adipic hydrazide (AH)-dLOS derivatives, using 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide HCl (EDC) and N-hydroxysulfosuccinimid. dLOS (96 mg) was dissolved in 12 ml of 287 mM ADH (50 mg/ml, molar ratio of ADH to dLOS is 108 to 1 based on an estimated Mrof 3,000 for dLOS). AH-dLOS (45 mg) was dissolved with 4.5 ml of 0.2 M NaCl to make a 10 mg/ml solution of AH-dLOS. For the conjugation reaction, each 20 mg of AH-dLOS solution (2 ml in volume) was mixed with 10 mg of cross-reactive mutant (CRM) of diphtheria toxin (0.44 ml in volume). The initial concentration of AH-dLOS or CRM was 8.20 or 4.10 mg/ml. The molar ratio of AH-dLOS to CRM (Mr 67,000) was 45 to 1. The pH was adjusted to 5.0-5.2 with 0.1 M HCl, followed by addition of 0.05 M EDC. The reaction was maintained at pH 5.0 to 5.2 for 4 h at 4°C, then adjusted to pH 7.0, dialyzed against 0.9% NaCl for 2 to 3 days, centrifuged, and passed through a Sephacryl S-300 column (2.6 by 90 cm) in 0.9% NaCl. Peaks that contained both protein and carbohydrate were pooled and designated as dLOS-TT or dLOS-CRM. Both conjugates were analyzed for their composition of carbohydrate and protein using dLOS and bovine serum albumin (BSA) as standards
Antibody type and classN/A
Assay SystemELISA, Bactericidal assay and immunoblotting
Cross-reactivityThis antisera was specific to Serotype B and reacted with nine of twelve clinical isolates studied
Proposed epitopesN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis antisera showed elevated complement-mediated bactericidal activity against the homologous strain
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation24-09-2010

Entry No. - 37   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1621
Carbohydrate NameLipooligosaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassLipopolysaccharide
MicrobeMoraxella catarrhalis Serotype A strain 25238   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureLOS consists of an oligosaccharide and lipid A and is similar to the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of gramnegative enteric pathogens, but it lacks the O-antigenic side chain of repeating units characteristic of classical LPS. The oligosaccharide part consists : α-D-Galp-(1-->4)-β-D-Galp-(1-->4)-α-D-Glcp-(1-->2)-β-D-Glcp-(1-->6)-α-D-Glcp [branched to α-D-GlcpNAc-(1-->2)-β-D-Glcp-(1-->4)] and [branched to β-D-Glcp-(1-->3)-(1-->5)-Kdo
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed functionsMoracella lipooligosaccharide is a potential virulence factor
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameTetanus toxoid
Conjugation MethodAdipic acid dihydrazide (ADH) was bound to detoxified lipooligosaccharide [LOS] to form adipic hydrazide (AH)-dLOS derivatives, using 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide HCl (EDC) and N-hydroxysulfosuccinimide (sulfo-NHS). dLOS (70 mg) was dissolved in 7 ml of 345 mM ADH (molar ratio of ADH to LOS is 100 to 1, based on an estimated Mr of 3,000 for dLOS). Sulfo-NHS was added to a concentration of 8 mM, the pH was adjusted to 4.8, and EDC was added to a concentration of 0.1 M. The reaction mixture was stirred and maintained at pH 4.8 for 3 h. The reaction mixture was adjusted to pH 7.0 and passed through the G-50 column as described above. The eluate was assayed for carbohydrate and for ADH. The peaks containing both carbohydrate and AH were pooled, freeze-dried, and designated AH-dLOS. AH-dLOS was measured for its composition, using dLOS and ADH as standards
Antibody type and classN/A
Assay SystemDouble immunodiffusion
Proposed epitopesN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis antisera had complementmediated bactericidal activity against the homologous strain and heterologous strains of M. catarrhalis
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation24-09-2010

Entry No. - 38   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1622
Carbohydrate NameLipooligosaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassLipopolysaccharide
MicrobeMoraxella catarrhalis serotype C strain 26404   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureLOS consists of an oligosaccharide and lipid A and is similar to the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of gramnegative enteric pathogens, but it lacks the O-antigenic side chain of repeating units characteristic of classical LPS. The oligosaccharide part consists of the following residues : α-D-Galp-(1-->4)-β-D-Galp-(1-->4)-α-D-Glcp-(1-->2)-β-D-Glcp-(1-->6)-α-D-Glcp [branched to β-D-Galp-(1-->4)-α-D-GlcpNAc-(1-->2)-β-D-Glcp-(1-->4)] and [branched to β-D-Glcp-(1-->3)] -(1-->5)-α-Kdop [branched to Kdop-(2-->4)]
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed functionsMoracella lipooligosaccharide is a potential virulence factor
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameTetanus toxoid
Conjugation Method240 mg of lipooligosaccharide [LOS] was detoxified by using anhydrous hydrazine, and the dLOS was purified. Then adipic acid dihydrazide was conjugated to the dLOS (96 mg) in 12 ml of a 287 mM adipic acid dihydrazide suspension to form adipic hydrazide (AH)-dLOS derivatives, using 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide HCl and N-hydroxysulfosuccinimide. The resulting AH-dLOS was finally coupled to Tetanus toxoid [TT]. 10 mg of TT (Mr, 150,000) was reacted with 20 mg of AH-dLOS (10 mg/ml) at a molar ratio of AH-dLOS to TT of 100:1 using 0.05 M 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide HCl. All reaction mixtures were maintained at pH 5.0 to 5.2 for 4 h at 4°C, and the reactions were stopped by adjusting the pH to 7.0. The reaction mixtures were dialyzed against 0.9% NaCl for 2 to 3 days, centrifuged, and passed through a Sephacryl S-300 column (2.6 by 90 cm) in 0.9% NaCl. Peaks that contained both protein and carbohydrate were pooled and designated dLOS-TT, dLOS-CRM-1, and dLOS-CRM-2. The three conjugates were analyzed to determine their carbohydrate and protein contents using dLOS and bovine serum albumin as standards
Antibody type and classN/A
Assay SystemELISA, Bactericidal assay and bactericidal inhibition assay
Cross-reactivityThis antisera cross-reacted with Serotype A LPS and to a little extent to Serotype B
Proposed epitopesN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis antisera showed complement-mediated bactericidal activity against the homologous strain
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation24-09-2010

Entry No. - 39   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1623
Carbohydrate NameLipooligosaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassLipopolysaccharide
MicrobeMoraxella catarrhalis Serotype A strain 25238   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureLOS consists of an oligosaccharide and lipid A and is similar to the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of gramnegative enteric pathogens, but it lacks the O-antigenic side chain of repeating units characteristic of classical LPS. The oligosaccharide part consists of the following residues : α-D-Galp-(1-->4)-β-D-Galp-(1-->4)-α-D-Glcp-(1-->2)-β-D-Glcp-(1-->6)-α-D-Glcp [branched to α-D-GlcpNAc-(1-->2)-β-D-Glcp-(1-->4)] and [branched to β-D-Glcp-(1-->3)] -(1-->5)-Kdo
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed functionsMoracella lipooligosaccharide is a potential virulence factor
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameCross-reactive mutant (CRM9) of diphtheria toxin
Conjugation MethodAdipic acid dihydrazide (ADH) was bound to detoxified lipooligosaccharide [LOS] to form adipic hydrazide (AH)-dLOS derivatives, using 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide HCl (EDC) and N-hydroxysulfosuccinimide (sulfo-NHS). dLOS (70 mg) was dissolved in 7 ml of 345 mM ADH (molar ratio of ADH to LOS is 100 to 1, based on an estimated Mr of 3,000 for dLOS). Sulfo-NHS was added to a concentration of 8 mM, the pH was adjusted to 4.8, and EDC was added to a concentration of 0.1 M. The reaction mixture was stirred and maintained at pH 4.8 for 3 h. The reaction mixture was adjusted to pH 7.0 and passed through the G-50 column as described above. The eluate was assayed for carbohydrate and for AH. The peaks containing both carbohydrate and AH were pooled, freeze-dried, and designated AH-dLOS. AH-dLOS was measured for its composition, using dLOS and ADH as standards
Antibody type and classN/A
Assay SystemEnzyme-linked immunospot assay, ELISA and Bacterial challenge assay
Proposed epitopesN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThe dLOS-CRM vaccine induced a significant bacterial clearance (70 to 90%) of both homologous and heterologous strains in the lungs compared to that observed in the controls
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation25-09-2010

Entry No. - 40   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1742
Carbohydrate NamePhenolic glycolipid-I   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassGlycolipid
MicrobeMycobacterium leprae   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructurePhenolic glycolipid-1 is a M. leprae-specific antigen that contains a unique trisaccharide, 3,6-di-O-methyl-β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-->4)-2,3-di-O-methyl-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1-->2)-3-O-methyl-α-L-rhamnopyranose
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed functionsIt has been widely used for the serodiagnosis of leprosy and has been implicated in the pathogenesis of leprosy
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesWhole cells
Carrier NameNil
Conjugation MethodNil
Antibody type and classIgM
Assay SystemELISA
Cross-reactivityThe antisera cross-reacted withserovars 5, 12, 18, 20, 23, 24, and 28 of M. avium-M. intracellulare-M. scrofulaceum serocomplex
Proposed epitopesThe trisaccharide appendages of the phenolic glycolipids seemed to be a part of the epitope
IEDB Epitope76905
Proposed UtilityA specific assay for IgM activity to the specific M. leprae glycolipid, particularly in the preclinical state of the lepromatous form of the disease, may enable earlier chemotherapy and thereby prevent deformity and eliminate the infectious reservoir
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation20-10-2010

Entry No. - 41   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1761
Carbohydrate NamePeptide mimotope   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassGlycoprotein
MicrobeMycobacterium tuberculosis   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureThe peptide consisted of the following sequence : QEPLMGTVPIRAGGGS
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed functionsN/A
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesPurified peptide
Carrier NameNil
Conjugation MethodNil
Antibody type and classN/A
Assay SystemELISA, immunoblotting
Cross-reactivityThis antisera recognized mannosylated Mycobacterium tuberculosis cell-wall antigens arabinomannan, lipoarabinomannan and the glycosylated recombinant protein Apa. The antisera also cross-reacted with mannans from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, but did not react with phosphatidyl-inositol-di-mannoside or arabinogalactan from Mycobacteria
Proposed epitopesThe epitope was proposed to be oligomannosidic in nature
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis peptide mimotope can used as surrogate reagent for immunodiagnosis of tuberculosis
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation24-10-2010

Entry No. - 42   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1918
Carbohydrate NameCapsular polysaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
MicrobePneumococci spp.   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureThe capsular polysaccharide of Pneumococcus sp. 14 consists of the following residues : -4)-β-D-Glcp-(1-->6)-β-D-GlcpNAc [branched to β-D-Galp-(1-->4)] -(1-->3)-β-D-Galp-(1-
BCSDB Structure21255
Proposed functionsN/A
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesA vaccine preparation of type 6 (Danish type 6A) pneumococcal capsular polysaccharide
Carrier NameNil
Conjugation MethodNil
Antibody type and classN/A
Assay SystemHemolytic plaque assay
Cross-reactivityThe antisera cross-reacted with S14, S19, or S23 capsular polysaccharides
Proposed epitopesThe antisera was proposed to be directed against a immunodominant polysaccharide PnC
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityN/A
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation28-11-2010

Entry No. - 43   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1919
Carbohydrate NameCapsular polysaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
MicrobePneumococci spp.   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureThe capsular polysaccharide of Pneumococcus sp. 14 consists of the following residues : -4)-β-D-Glcp-(1-->6)-β-D-GlcpNAc [branched to β-D-Galp-(1-->4)] -(1-->3)-β-D-Galp-(1-
BCSDB Structure21255
Proposed functionsN/A
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesA vaccine preparation of type 14 pneumococcal capsular polysaccharide
Carrier NameNil
Conjugation MethodNil
Antibody type and classN/A
Assay SystemHemolytic plaque assay
Cross-reactivityThe antisera cross-reacted with S6, S19, or S23 capsular polysaccharides
Proposed epitopesThe antisera was proposed to be directed against a immunodominant polysaccharide PnC
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityN/A
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation29-11-2010

Entry No. - 44   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1920
Carbohydrate NameCapsular polysaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
MicrobePneumococci spp.   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureThe capsular polysaccharide of Pneumococcus sp. 14 consists of the following residues : -4)-β-D-Glcp-(1-->6)-β-D-GlcpNAc [branched to β-D-Galp-(1-->4)] -(1-->3)-β-D-Galp-(1-
BCSDB Structure21255
Proposed functionsN/A
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesA vaccine preparation of type 19 pneumococcal capsular polysaccharide
Carrier NameNil
Conjugation MethodNil
Antibody type and classN/A
Assay SystemHemolytic plaque assay
Cross-reactivityThe antisera cross-reacted with S14, S6, or S23 capsular polysaccharides
Proposed epitopesThe antisera was proposed to be directed against a immunodominant polysaccharide PnC
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityN/A
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation29-11-2010

Entry No. - 45   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1921
Carbohydrate NameCapsular polysaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
MicrobePneumococci spp.   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureThe capsular polysaccharide of Pneumococcus sp. 14 consists of the following residues : -4)-β-D-Glcp-(1-->6)-β-D-GlcpNAc [branched to β-D-Galp-(1-->4)] -(1-->3)-β-D-Galp-(1-
BCSDB Structure21255
Proposed functionsN/A
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesA vaccine preparation of type 23 pneumococcal capsular polysaccharide
Carrier NameNil
Conjugation MethodNil
Antibody type and classN/A
Assay SystemHemolytic plaque assay
Cross-reactivityThe antisera cross-reacted with S14, S19, or S6 capsular polysaccharides
Proposed epitopesThe antisera was proposed to be directed against a immunodominant polysaccharide PnC
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityN/A
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation29-11-2010

Entry No. - 46   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID1970
Carbohydrate Name23-valent pneumococcal vaccine   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
MicrobeStreptococcus pneumoniae   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureN/A
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed functionsN/A
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesCommercial vaccine preparation
Carrier NameNil
Conjugation MethodNil
Antibody type and classIgG
Assay SystemELISA
Cross-reactivityThis antisera was specific to pneumococcal polysaccharide and did not cross-react with Haemophilus influenzae type B capsular polysaccharide
Proposed epitopesN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis antisera would promote research on the efficacy of the vaccine in risk groups and will permit in-depth studies of the immunological response in patients
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation08-12-2010

Entry No. - 47   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID2642
Carbohydrate NameCapsular polysaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
MicrobeCryptococcus neoformans Serotype D   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureThis polysaccharide is a high m.w. polymer with a linear α-(1-->3)-linked mannose backbone that is substituted with non-reducing D-xyIosyal and D-glucosyluronic acid groups. O-Acetylation varies with the serotype. Type D is the most heavily O-acetylated
BCSDB Structure136943
Proposed functionsAntiphagocytic ; an important virulence factor
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameMethylated bovine serum albumin
Conjugation MethodA saline solution containing 500 pg of cryptococcal polysaccharide was mixed with 500 pg aqueous methylated bovine serum albumin. The volume was brought to 2 ml with sterile distilled water
Antibody type and classIgG
Assay SystemAntiserum to untreated cryptococcal polysaccharide was enriched for O-acetyl and carboxyl specific antibody respectively. The antisera was then used in ouchterlony double diffusion.
Proposed epitopesN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityO-acetyl and carboxyl groups are strong and distinct physicochemical determinants on cryptococcal polysaccharide. The enriched antiserum displayed a level of opsonic activity that was similar to non-enriched antiserum. This showed that neither O-acetyl nor carboxyl groups were responsible for inhibition of phagocytosis by cryptococcal polysaccharide
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation30-07-2011

Bioinformatics Centre, Institute of Microbial Technology, Sec - 39A, Chandigarh, India - 160036