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PolysacDB ID | 2616 |
Carbohydrate Name | Lipoarabinomannan like polysaccharides (Drugpedia) |
Carbohydrate Class | Glycolipid |
Microbe | Mycobacterium paratuberculosis (NCBI Taxonomy) (Drugpedia) |
Basic Structure | N/A |
BCSDB Structure | N/A |
Proposed functions | N/A |
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodies | Whole cell extract |
Carrier Name | Nil |
Conjugation Method | Nil |
Antibodies | Mab PII-C3 |
Antibody type and class | IgG3 |
Assay System | ELISA, ConA lectin Affinity Chromatography |
Cross-reactivity | This antibody was cross-reactive to M, tuberculosis, M. kansasii, M.avium |
Proposed epitopes | N/A |
IEDB Epitope | N/A |
Proposed Utility | Using this antibody it was for the first time proposed that LaM like poysaccharides were released into the growth medium during mycobacterial growth |
Curator ID | AA + AS |
Date of Curation | 21-07-2011 |
References | PMC174607 |
Bioinformatics Centre, Institute of Microbial Technology, Sec - 39A, Chandigarh, India - 160036 |