PolysacDB: A comprehensive database of microbial polysaccharide antigens and their antibodies

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Citation: Aithal A, Sharma A, Joshi S, Raghava GPS, Varshney GC (2012) PolysacDB: A Database of Microbial Polysaccharide Antigens and Their Antibodies. PLoS ONE 7(4): e34613. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0034613
Total Entries - 1

Entry No. - 1   [TOP]
PolysacDB ID2495
Carbohydrate NameO-polysaccharide [Terminal hexasaccharides]   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassLipopolysaccharide
MicrobeVibrio cholerae O1 LPS serotype ogawa   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureThe O-antigen part consists of (1-->2)-α-linked 4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-D-mannose (perosamine) whose amino group is acylated with 3-deoxy-L-glycero-tetronic acid. The terminal sugar is characterized by a 2-O-methyl group
BCSDB Structure6642
Proposed functionsV. cholerae lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a critical component of the outer membrane that is required for virulence, is a known target for immune responses following infection or immunization. Antibodies specific for V. cholerae LPS are correlated with protection against cholera
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodiesGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameBovine serum albumin
Conjugation MethodThe purified carbohydrates were subjected to aminolysis to afford ethylenediamine derivatives, which were treated with squaric acid diethyl ester. The squaric acid monoesters, thus obtained, were treated with BSA to give neoglycoconjugates
Antibody type and classIgG and IgM
Assay SystemELISA
Proposed epitopesThe epitope was named as Epitope A. Epitope A was postulated to be either the perosamine residues or the N-tetronic acid (N-3-deoxy-L-glycero-tetronic acid) side chain
IEDB Epitope76824
Proposed UtilityThis antisera showed protection
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation04-06-2011

Bioinformatics Centre, Institute of Microbial Technology, Sec - 39A, Chandigarh, India - 160036