PolysacDB: A comprehensive database of microbial polysaccharide antigens and their antibodies

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Citation: Aithal A, Sharma A, Joshi S, Raghava GPS, Varshney GC (2012) PolysacDB: A Database of Microbial Polysaccharide Antigens and Their Antibodies. PLoS ONE 7(4): e34613. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0034613
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PolysacDB ID1002
Carbohydrate NameGlucurunoxylomannan   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
Microbe NameCryptococcus neoformans   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureA linear (1-->3)-linked mannan backbone singly substituted with nonreducing β(1-->2) xylose and β(1-->2) glucuronic acid side branches ; O-acetyl groups are present at C-6 of the mannosyl residues
BCSDB Structure130362
Proposed FunctionAntiphagocytic ; an important virulence factor
Antigenic NatureGlycoconjugates.
Carrier NameTetanus toxoid
Conjugate MethodGXM was derivatized by the following two methods. (i) In method 1, ADH [adipic acid dihydrazide] was introduced into GXM by the activation of carboxyl groups with EDAC. GXM (5 mg/ml of 0.2 M NaCl) was derivatized with 0.5 M ADH and 0.1 M EDAC at pH 4.85 for 3.5 h at room temperature, using a pH Stat. After extensive dialysis against 0.2 M NaCl, the reaction mixture was passed through a 2B-CL Sepharose column (1.5 by 30 cm) equilibrated in 0.2 M NaCl. The fractions containing GXM were pooled and concentrated to the original volume. (ii) In method 2, ADH was introduced into GXM by the activation of hydroxyl groups with CNBr. GXM (5 mg/ml of 0.2 M NaCl) was activated with an equal weight of CNBr at pH 10.5 for 6 min at 4°C, using a pH Stat. An equal volume of 0.5 M NaHCO3 (pH 8.5) containing 0.5 M ADH was added. The reaction mixture was tumbled at 3 to 8°C for 18 to 20 h, dialyzed against 0.2 M NaCl, and passed through a 2B-CL Sepharose column (1.5 by 30 cm). The fractions containing GXM were pooled and concentrated to the original volume. The reaction mixture, containing equal concentrations (3.0 to 7.5 mg/ml) of GXM-AH (derivatized by either method) and TT or rEPA in 0.2 M NaCl, was brought to pH 5.6 with 0.05 N HCl, and 0.05 to 0.1 M EDAC was added; the pH was maintained at 5.6 in a pH Stat for 1 to 3 h at 4°C. The reaction mixture was dialyzed against 0.2 M NaCl at 3 to 8°C and passed through a Sepharose 2B-CL column (1.5 by 30 cm) equilibrated in 0.2 M NaCl. The void volume fractions containing the GXM and the protein were pooled and stored in 0.01% thimerosal at 3 to 8°C
AntibodiesMab 2E9
Antibody Type ClassIgM
Assay SystemELISA
Cross ReactivityThis antibody cross-reacted with Serotype A, B and D
Proposed EpitopeN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityHuman glucurunoxylomannan monoclonal antibodies are essential to address questions regarding the role of glucurunoxylomannan antibodies in protection against cryptococcal infections
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation01-01-2010

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PolysacDB ID1005
Carbohydrate NameCapsular polysaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
Microbe NameHaemophilus influenzae type B   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureA relatively simple antigen consisting of repeating units of 3-β-D ribose-(1-->1)-D-ribitol-5-phosphate
BCSDB Structure23423
Proposed FunctionAn important virulence determinant
Antigenic NatureGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameTetanus toxoid
Conjugate MethodProtein solutions (25 mg/ml) and Adipic acid dihydrazide [ADH] (3.45 rag/rag protein) were reacted with three different concentrations of EDAC (0 1, 0.3, and 0.6 rag/rag protein) The pH of the reaction mixture was maintained at 4.7 ± 0.2 with 0.1 N HC! The reaction proceeded at room temperature for 3 h and the reaction mixtures were dialyzed at 3-8°C with two changes/d against 6 liter of 0 2 M NaCI. The albumin and polysaccharide derivatives were then dialyzed against two 6-liter changes of deionized water and freeze-dried. The polysaccharide was activated with CNBr. Briefly, a solution of polysaccharide (5.0 mg/ml), equilibrated at 4°C, was rapidly brought to pH 10.5 with 0.1 N NaOH. 100 mg/ml CNBr was added to a final concentration of 0.4 mg/mg polysaccharide, and the pH maintained at 10.5 for 6 rain. Then the reaction mixture was brought to pH 8 5 with 0.5 M NaHCO3, and the CNBr-actlvated polysaccharide added to an equal weight of ADH-protein. The reaction mixture was tumbled gently overnight at 3-8°C and then centrifuged at 16,000 g, 4°C for 20 ram. The supernatant was passed through a CL-4B Sepharose column, 1 5 × 90 cm, that was equihbrated with 0 2 M ammonium acetate. The void-volume fractions were pooled, dialyzed against 0.01 M phosphate-buffered 0.145 M NaCI, pH 7.0, at 3-8°C, and passed through a 045-nm membrane and stored at 3-8°C
Antibody Type ClassIgG and IgA
Assay SystemRadioimmunoassay
Cross ReactivityN/A
Proposed EpitopeN\A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThese antibodies exert their protective effect by initiating complement-mediated activities including opsonization and bacterial lysis
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation02-01-2010

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PolysacDB ID1006
Carbohydrate NameGlucurunoxylomannan   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
Microbe NameCryptococcus neoformans   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureA linear (1-->3)-linked mannan backbone singly substituted with nonreducing β(1-->2) xylose and β(1-->2) glucuronic acid side branches ; O-acetyl groups are present at C-6 of the mannosyl residues
BCSDB Structure130362
Proposed FunctionAntiphagocytic ; an important virulence factor
Antigenic NatureGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameTetanus toxoid
Conjugate MethodGXM was derivatized by the following two methods. (i) In method 1, ADH [adipic acid dihydrazide] was introduced into GXM by the activation of carboxyl groups with EDAC. GXM (5 mg/ml of 0.2 M NaCl) was derivatized with 0.5 M ADH and 0.1 M EDAC at pH 4.85 for 3.5 h at room temperature, using a pH Stat. After extensive dialysis against 0.2 M NaCl, the reaction mixture was passed through a 2B-CL Sepharose column (1.5 by 30 cm) equilibrated in 0.2 M NaCl. The fractions containing GXM were pooled and concentrated to the original volume. (ii) In method 2, ADH was introduced into GXM by the activation of hydroxyl groups with CNBr. GXM (5 mg/ml of 0.2 M NaCl) was activated with an equal weight of CNBr at pH 10.5 for 6 min at 4°C, using a pH Stat. An equal volume of 0.5 M NaHCO3 (pH 8.5) containing 0.5 M ADH was added. The reaction mixture was tumbled at 3 to 8°C for 18 to 20 h, dialyzed against 0.2 M NaCl, and passed through a 2B-CL Sepharose column (1.5 by 30 cm). The fractions containing GXM were pooled and concentrated to the original volume. The reaction mixture, containing equal concentrations (3.0 to 7.5 mg/ml) of GXM-AH (derivatized by either method) and TT or rEPA in 0.2 M NaCl, was brought to pH 5.6 with 0.05 N HCl, and 0.05 to 0.1 M EDAC was added; the pH was maintained at 5.6 in a pH Stat for 1 to 3 h at 4°C. The reaction mixture was dialyzed against 0.2 M NaCl at 3 to 8°C and passed through a Sepharose 2B-CL column (1.5 by 30 cm) equilibrated in 0.2 M NaCl. The void volume fractions containing the GXM and the protein were pooled and stored in 0.01% thimerosal at 3 to 8°C
AntibodiesMab 3B6
Antibody Type ClassIgM
Assay SystemELISA
Cross ReactivityThis antibody cross-reacted with Serotypes A, B, C and D
Proposed EpitopeN\A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityHuman glucurunoxylomannan monoclonal antibodies are essential to address questions regarding the role of glucurunoxylomannan antibodies in protection against cryptococcal infections
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation02-01-2010

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PolysacDB ID1012
Carbohydrate NameCapsular polysaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
Microbe NameStreptococcus Group B   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureA basic backbone of the following residues: -3-β-D-Galp-(1-->4) -β-D-Glcp[branched to 1-->4-D-Glp-α-D-NeuNACp]-(1-->6)-β-D-GlcNAcp-1-
BCSDB Structure6237
Proposed FunctionInvades the blood stream and multiply. This property of invasiveness is related to the anti-phagocytic properties conferred by its Capsular polysaccharide
Antigenic NatureGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameTetanus toxoid
Conjugate MethodType III polysaccharide was activated with cyanogen bromide at pH 10.5 for 6 min at 4°C in a pH stat. Adipic acid dihydrazide [AH] was added in 0.5 M NaHCO3 to a final concentration of 0.25 M, pH 8.5. After tumbling for 18 h at 3 to 8°C, the reaction mixture was dialyzed against 0.2 M NaCl at 3 to 8°C and passed through a 4B-CL Sepharose column. The polysaccharide-containing fractions were pooled, dialyzed against sterile pyrogen-free water, and freeze-dried. A solution containing 10 mg each of type III-AH and tetanus toxoid [TT} per ml was brought to pH 5.6 with 0.1 N HCl. 1-Ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-carbodiimide was added to a final concentration of 0.05 M, and the pH was maintained at 5.6 with 0.1 N NaOH for 3 h at room temperature. The reaction mixture was dialyzed against 0.2 M NaCl at 3 to 8°C and was passed through a 4B-CL Sepharose column (5 by 95 cm) equilibrated in 0.2 M NaCl. The void volume fractions were stored in 0.01% thimerosal at 3 to 8°C
Antibody Type ClassMainly IgG, particularly IgG1 and IgG3
Assay SystemDouble immunodiffusion, capillary precipitation, ELISA
Cross ReactivityN/A
Proposed EpitopeN\A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityAntibodies elicited by the conjugates had in vitroopsonic activities proposed to be a correlate of protective immunity
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation04-01-2010

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PolysacDB ID1031
Carbohydrate NameGlucurunoxylomannan   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
Microbe NameCryptococcus neoformans   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureThe GXM is a high-molecular-weight linear (1-->3)-α-D-mannan substituted with single (1-->2)-β-xylosyl and (1-->2)-β-glucuronosyl residues. 0 acetylation occurs on the C-6 of about half of the mannose residues. The molar ratio of xylose-mannose-glucuronic acid is 2:3:1 for serotype A
BCSDB Structure130362
Proposed FunctionThe capsular glucuronoxylomannan (GXM) of C. neoformans is anantiphagocytic and tolerogenic polysaccharide and potentiates virulence
Antigenic NatureGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameTetanus toxoid
Conjugate MethodGXM was derivatized by the following two methods. (i) In method 1, ADH [adipic acid dihydrazide] was introduced into GXM by the activation of carboxyl groups with EDAC. GXM (5 mg/ml of 0.2 M NaCl) was derivatized with 0.5 M ADH and 0.1 M EDAC at pH 4.85 for 3.5 h at room temperature, using a pH Stat. After extensive dialysis against 0.2 M NaCl, the reaction mixture was passed through a 2B-CL Sepharose column (1.5 by 30 cm) equilibrated in 0.2 M NaCl. The fractions containing GXM were pooled and concentrated to the original volume. (ii) In method 2, ADH was introduced into GXM by the activation of hydroxyl groups with CNBr. GXM (5 mg/ml of 0.2 M NaCl) was activated with an equal weight of CNBr at pH 10.5 for 6 min at 4°C, using a pH Stat. An equal volume of 0.5 M NaHCO3 (pH 8.5) containing 0.5 M ADH was added. The reaction mixture was tumbled at 3 to 8°C for 18 to 20 h, dialyzed against 0.2 M NaCl, and passed through a 2B-CL Sepharose column (1.5 by 30 cm). The fractions containing GXM were pooled and concentrated to the original volume. The reaction mixture, containing equal concentrations (3.0 to 7.5 mg/ml) of GXM-AH (derivatized by either method) and TT or rEPA in 0.2 M NaCl, was brought to pH 5.6 with 0.05 N HCl, and 0.05 to 0.1 M EDAC was added; the pH was maintained at 5.6 in a pH Stat for 1 to 3 h at 4°C. The reaction mixture was dialyzed against 0.2 M NaCl at 3 to 8°C and passed through a Sepharose 2B-CL column (1.5 by 30 cm) equilibrated in 0.2 M NaCl. The void volume fractions containing the GXM and the protein were pooled and stored in 0.01% thimerosal at 3 to 8°C
AntibodiesMab 18B7
Antibody Type ClassIgG1
Assay SystemInvivo protection assay
Cross ReactivityThis antibody cross-reacted with all 4 serotypes- A, B, C and D.
Proposed EpitopeN\A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis antibody opsonized Serotypes A and D and was shown to activate the complement pathway. This antibody is in pre-clinical development for treatment of Cryptococcus neoformans infections
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation09-01-2010

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PolysacDB ID1448
Carbohydrate NameCapsular polysaccharide [heteroglycan]   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
Microbe NameEnterococcus faecalis type V   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureIt is composed of rhamnose, glucose, galactose, mannosamine, and glucosamine
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed FunctionThese polysaccharides are major virulence factors
Antigenic NatureGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameTetanus toxoid
Conjugate MethodPSs were oxidized with 0.5 ml of 10 mM NaI4 at room temperature for 90 min, dialyzed and lyophilized. The oxidized PS was reacted with 2 mg of tetanus toxoid in PBS with the addition of 10 mg of NaCNBH3
Antibody Type ClassN/A
Assay SystemCompetitive inhibition ELISA
Cross ReactivityThis antibody cross-reacted with E. faecalis strain 68114, 324057B and R19001. did not cross-react with E. faecalis type II PS and vancomycin-resistant E. faecium B210860
Proposed EpitopeN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityN/A
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation13-07-2010

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PolysacDB ID1449
Carbohydrate NameCapsular polysaccharide [heteroglycan]   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
Microbe NameEnterococci faecium B210860   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureIt is composed of rhamnose, glucose, galactose, mannosamine, and glucosamine
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed FunctionThese polysaccharides are major virulence factors
Antigenic NatureGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameTetanus toxoid
Conjugate MethodPSs were oxidized with 0.5 ml of 10 mM NaI4 at room temperature for 90 min, dialyzed and lyophilized. The oxidized PS was reacted with 2 mg of tetanus toxoid in PBS with the addition of 10 mg of NaCNBH4
Antibody Type ClassN/A
Assay SystemCompetitive inhibition ELISA
Cross ReactivityThis antibody was specific to E. faecium B210860 only and did not cross-react with polysaccharides from E. faecalis type II, 68114, and R19001
Proposed EpitopeN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityN/A
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation13-07-2010

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PolysacDB ID1496
Carbohydrate NameGlucurunoxylomannan   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
Microbe NameCryptococcus neoformans Serotype A [strain 24064]   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureThe major component of C. neoformans capsular polysaccharide is glucurunoxylomannan [GXM] consisting of an unbranched mannose backbone substituted with xylose, glucuronic acid and O-acetyl residues
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed FunctionC. neoformans has a large polysaccharide capsule that is a determinant of virulence. The capsular polysaccharide causes immunologic paralysis and inhibits phagocytosis by macrophages. Soluble C. neoformans capsular polysaccharide enhances human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] infection in cultured cells, suggesting a new pathogenic role in AIDS
Antigenic NatureGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameTetanus toxoid
Conjugate MethodGXM was conjugated to tetanus toxoid using CDAP precipitation
Antibody Type ClassIgG [predominantly IgG1]
Assay SystemELISA
Cross ReactivityThis antibody cross-reacted with Serotype D strains
Proposed EpitopeN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityN/A
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation04-08-2010

Record - 9 of 91   [TOP]

PolysacDB ID1578
Carbohydrate NameN-propionylated group B meningococcal polysaccharide   (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
Microbe NameNeisseria meningitidis Serogroup B   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureIt is a homopolymer of α(2-->8) sialic acid
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed FunctionThis capsular polysaccharide is an important virulence determinant. Serum antibodies to the group B polysaccharide confers protection against disease by activating complement-mediated bacteriolysis and/or opsonization. It leads to immunologic tolerance induced by prenatal exposure to host polysialyated glycoproteins
Antigenic NatureGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameTetanus toxoid
Conjugate MethodNil
Antibody Type ClassN/A
Assay SystemRadioactive binding inhibition assay, ELISA, Bactericidal assay
Cross ReactivityThis antisera cross-reacted with capsular polysaccharide of E. coli K1
Proposed EpitopeN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis antisera was bactericidal for Group B meningococci
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation12-09-2010

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PolysacDB ID1579
Carbohydrate NameN-propionyl substituted Neisseria meningitidis group B capsular polysaccharide    (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
Microbe NameNeisseria meningitidis Serogroup B   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureIt is a homopolymer of α(2-->8) sialic acid
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed FunctionThis capsular polysaccharide is an important virulence determinant. Serum antibodies to the group B polysaccharide confers protection against disease by activating complement-mediated bacteriolysis and/or opsonization. It leads to immunologic tolerance induced by prenatal exposure to host polysialyated glycoproteins
Antigenic NatureGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameTetanus toxoid
Conjugate MethodThe oligosaccharide-protein conjugate was prepared by stirring a mixture of terminal aldehyde-containing N-Pr meningococcal B oligosaccharide with tetanus toxoid in 0.75 M potassium phosphate buffer, pH 9.0, with sodium cyanoborohydride (40 mg/ml) for 1 day at 40°C, then 2 days at ambient temperature
AntibodiesMab Seam 10
Antibody Type ClassIgG1
Assay SystemELISA, flow cytometry and indirect immunofluorescence
Cross ReactivityThis Mab cross-reacted with non-modified acetylaed group B capsular polysaccharide
Proposed EpitopeN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis Mab may be useful for the identification of molecular mimetics capable of eliciting protective antibodies specific to the bacteria, without the risk of evoking autoimmune disease
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation13-09-2010

Record - 11 of 91   [TOP]

PolysacDB ID1580
Carbohydrate NameN-propionyl substituted Neisseria meningitidis group B capsular polysaccharide    (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
Microbe NameNeisseria meningitidis Serogroup B   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureIt is a homopolymer of α(2-->8) sialic acid
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed FunctionThis capsular polysaccharide is an important virulence determinant. Serum antibodies to the group B polysaccharide confers protection against disease by activating complement-mediated bacteriolysis and/or opsonization. It leads to immunologic tolerance induced by prenatal exposure to host polysialyated glycoproteins
Antigenic NatureGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameTetanus toxoid
Conjugate MethodThe oligosaccharide-protein conjugate was prepared by stirring a mixture of terminal aldehyde-containing N-Pr meningococcal B oligosaccharide with tetanus toxoid in 0.75 M potassium phosphate buffer, pH 9.0, with sodium cyanoborohydride (40 mg/ml) for 1 day at 40°C, then 2 days at ambient temperature
AntibodiesMab Seam 11
Antibody Type ClassIgG2b
Assay SystemELISA, flow cytometry and indirect immunofluorescence
Cross ReactivityThis Mab cross-reacted with non-modified acetylaed group B capsular polysaccharide. This Mab also cross-reacted with polysialic acid on CHP-134 neuroblastoma cells
Proposed EpitopeN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis Mab may be useful for the identification of molecular mimetics capable of eliciting protective antibodies specific to the bacteria, without the risk of evoking autoimmune disease. This Mab induced bactericidal activity with rabbit complement
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation13-09-2010

Record - 12 of 91   [TOP]

PolysacDB ID1581
Carbohydrate NameN-propionyl substituted Neisseria meningitidis group B capsular polysaccharide    (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
Microbe NameNeisseria meningitidis Serogroup B   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureIt is a homopolymer of α(2-->8) sialic acid
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed FunctionThis capsular polysaccharide is an important virulence determinant. Serum antibodies to the group B polysaccharide confers protection against disease by activating complement-mediated bacteriolysis and/or opsonization. It leads to immunologic tolerance induced by prenatal exposure to host polysialyated glycoproteins
Antigenic NatureGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameTetanus toxoid
Conjugate MethodThe oligosaccharide-protein conjugate was prepared by stirring a mixture of terminal aldehyde-containing N-Pr meningococcal B oligosaccharide with tetanus toxoid in 0.75 M potassium phosphate buffer, pH 9.0, with sodium cyanoborohydride (40 mg/ml) for 1 day at 40°C, then 2 days at ambient temperature
AntibodiesMab Seam 12
Antibody Type ClassIgG2a
Assay SystemELISA, flow cytometry and indirect immunofluorescence
Cross ReactivityThis Mab cross-reacted with non-modified acetylaed group B capsular polysaccharide. This Mab also cross-reacted with polysialic acid on CHP-134 neuroblastoma cells
Proposed EpitopeN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis Mab may be useful for the identification of molecular mimetics capable of eliciting protective antibodies specific to the bacteria, without the risk of evoking autoimmune disease. This Mab induced bactericidal activity with rabbit and human complement
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation13-09-2010

Record - 13 of 91   [TOP]

PolysacDB ID1582
Carbohydrate NameN-propionyl substituted Neisseria meningitidis group B capsular polysaccharide    (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
Microbe NameNeisseria meningitidis Serogroup B   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureIt is a homopolymer of α(2-->8) sialic acid
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed FunctionThis capsular polysaccharide is an important virulence determinant. Serum antibodies to the group B polysaccharide confers protection against disease by activating complement-mediated bacteriolysis and/or opsonization. It leads to immunologic tolerance induced by prenatal exposure to host polysialyated glycoproteins
Antigenic NatureGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameTetanus toxoid
Conjugate MethodThe oligosaccharide-protein conjugate was prepared by stirring a mixture of terminal aldehyde-containing N-Pr meningococcal B oligosaccharide with tetanus toxoid in 0.75 M potassium phosphate buffer, pH 9.0, with sodium cyanoborohydride (40 mg/ml) for 1 day at 40°C, then 2 days at ambient temperature
AntibodiesMab Seam 13
Antibody Type ClassIgG3
Assay SystemELISA, flow cytometry and indirect immunofluorescence
Cross ReactivityThis Mab cross-reacted with non-modified acetylaed group B capsular polysaccharide. This Mab also cross-reacted with polysialic acid on CHP-134 neuroblastoma cells
Proposed EpitopeN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis Mab may be useful for the identification of molecular mimetics capable of eliciting protective antibodies specific to the bacteria, without the risk of evoking autoimmune disease. This Mab induced bactericidal activity with rabbit and human complement
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation14-09-2010

Record - 14 of 91   [TOP]

PolysacDB ID1583
Carbohydrate NameN-propionyl substituted Neisseria meningitidis group B capsular polysaccharide    (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
Microbe NameNeisseria meningitidis Serogroup B   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureIt is a homopolymer of α(2-->8) sialic acid
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed FunctionThis capsular polysaccharide is an important virulence determinant. Serum antibodies to the group B polysaccharide confers protection against disease by activating complement-mediated bacteriolysis and/or opsonization. It leads to immunologic tolerance induced by prenatal exposure to host polysialyated glycoproteins
Antigenic NatureGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameTetanus toxoid
Conjugate MethodThe oligosaccharide-protein conjugate was prepared by stirring a mixture of terminal aldehyde-containing N-Pr meningococcal B oligosaccharide with tetanus toxoid in 0.75 M potassium phosphate buffer, pH 9.0, with sodium cyanoborohydride (40 mg/ml) for 1 day at 40°C, then 2 days at ambient temperature
AntibodiesMab Seam 14
Antibody Type ClassIgG2b
Assay SystemELISA, flow cytometry and indirect immunofluorescence
Cross ReactivityThis Mab cross-reacted with non-modified acetylaed group B capsular polysaccharide. This Mab also cross-reacted with polysialic acid on CHP-134 neuroblastoma cells
Proposed EpitopeN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis Mab may be useful for the identification of molecular mimetics capable of eliciting protective antibodies specific to the bacteria, without the risk of evoking autoimmune disease. This Mab induced bactericidal activity with rabbit complement
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation14-09-2010

Record - 15 of 91   [TOP]

PolysacDB ID1584
Carbohydrate NameN-propionyl substituted Neisseria meningitidis group B capsular polysaccharide    (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
Microbe NameNeisseria meningitidis Serogroup B   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureIt is a homopolymer of α(2-->8) sialic acid
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed FunctionThis capsular polysaccharide is an important virulence determinant. Serum antibodies to the group B polysaccharide confers protection against disease by activating complement-mediated bacteriolysis and/or opsonization. It leads to immunologic tolerance induced by prenatal exposure to host polysialyated glycoproteins
Antigenic NatureGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameTetanus toxoid
Conjugate MethodThe oligosaccharide-protein conjugate was prepared by stirring a mixture of terminal aldehyde-containing N-Pr meningococcal B oligosaccharide with tetanus toxoid in 0.75 M potassium phosphate buffer, pH 9.0, with sodium cyanoborohydride (40 mg/ml) for 1 day at 40°C, then 2 days at ambient temperature
AntibodiesMab Seam 15
Antibody Type ClassIgG2b
Assay SystemELISA, flow cytometry and indirect immunofluorescence
Cross ReactivityThis Mab cross-reacted with non-modified acetylaed group B capsular polysaccharide. This Mab also cross-reacted with polysialic acid on CHP-134 neuroblastoma cells
Proposed EpitopeN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis Mab may be useful for the identification of molecular mimetics capable of eliciting protective antibodies specific to the bacteria, without the risk of evoking autoimmune disease. This Mab induced bactericidal activity with rabbit complement
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation14-09-2010

Record - 16 of 91   [TOP]

PolysacDB ID1585
Carbohydrate NameN-propionyl substituted Neisseria meningitidis group B capsular polysaccharide    (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
Microbe NameNeisseria meningitidis Serogroup B   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureIt is a homopolymer of α(2-->8) sialic acid
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed FunctionThis capsular polysaccharide is an important virulence determinant. Serum antibodies to the group B polysaccharide confers protection against disease by activating complement-mediated bacteriolysis and/or opsonization. It leads to immunologic tolerance induced by prenatal exposure to host polysialyated glycoproteins
Antigenic NatureGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameTetanus toxoid
Conjugate MethodThe oligosaccharide-protein conjugate was prepared by stirring a mixture of terminal aldehyde-containing N-Pr meningococcal B oligosaccharide with tetanus toxoid in 0.75 M potassium phosphate buffer, pH 9.0, with sodium cyanoborohydride (40 mg/ml) for 1 day at 40°C, then 2 days at ambient temperature
AntibodiesMab Seam 16
Antibody Type ClassIgG2b
Assay SystemELISA, flow cytometry and indirect immunofluorescence
Cross ReactivityThis Mab cross-reacted with non-modified acetylaed group B capsular polysaccharide
Proposed EpitopeN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis Mab may be useful for the identification of molecular mimetics capable of eliciting protective antibodies specific to the bacteria, without the risk of evoking autoimmune disease. This Mab induced bactericidal activity with rabbit complement
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation15-09-2010

Record - 17 of 91   [TOP]

PolysacDB ID1586
Carbohydrate NameN-propionyl substituted Neisseria meningitidis group B capsular polysaccharide    (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
Microbe NameNeisseria meningitidis Serogroup B   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureIt is a homopolymer of α(2-->8) sialic acid
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed FunctionThis capsular polysaccharide is an important virulence determinant. Serum antibodies to the group B polysaccharide confers protection against disease by activating complement-mediated bacteriolysis and/or opsonization. It leads to immunologic tolerance induced by prenatal exposure to host polysialyated glycoproteins
Antigenic NatureGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameTetanus toxoid
Conjugate MethodThe oligosaccharide-protein conjugate was prepared by stirring a mixture of terminal aldehyde-containing N-Pr meningococcal B oligosaccharide with tetanus toxoid in 0.75 M potassium phosphate buffer, pH 9.0, with sodium cyanoborohydride (40 mg/ml) for 1 day at 40°C, then 2 days at ambient temperature
AntibodiesMab Seam 17
Antibody Type ClassIgM
Assay SystemELISA, flow cytometry and indirect immunofluorescence
Cross ReactivityThis Mab did not cross-react with non-modified acetylaed group B capsular polysaccharide
Proposed EpitopeN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis Mab may be useful for the identification of molecular mimetics capable of eliciting protective antibodies specific to the bacteria, without the risk of evoking autoimmune disease
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation16-09-2010

Record - 18 of 91   [TOP]

PolysacDB ID1587
Carbohydrate NameN-propionyl substituted Neisseria meningitidis group B capsular polysaccharide    (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
Microbe NameNeisseria meningitidis Serogroup B   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureIt is a homopolymer of α(2-->8) sialic acid
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed FunctionThis capsular polysaccharide is an important virulence determinant. Serum antibodies to the group B polysaccharide confers protection against disease by activating complement-mediated bacteriolysis and/or opsonization. It leads to immunologic tolerance induced by prenatal exposure to host polysialyated glycoproteins
Antigenic NatureGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameTetanus toxoid
Conjugate MethodThe oligosaccharide-protein conjugate was prepared by stirring a mixture of terminal aldehyde-containing N-Pr meningococcal B oligosaccharide with tetanus toxoid in 0.75 M potassium phosphate buffer, pH 9.0, with sodium cyanoborohydride (40 mg/ml) for 1 day at 40°C, then 2 days at ambient temperature
AntibodiesMab Seam 18
Antibody Type ClassIgG2b
Assay SystemELISA, flow cytometry and indirect immunofluorescence
Cross ReactivityThis Mab cross-reacted with non-modified acetylaed group B capsular polysaccharide. This Mab also cross-reacted with polysialic acid on CHP-134 neuroblastoma cells
Proposed EpitopeN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis Mab may be useful for the identification of molecular mimetics capable of eliciting protective antibodies specific to the bacteria, without the risk of evoking autoimmune disease. This Mab induced bactericidal activity with rabbit and human complement
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation16-09-2010

Record - 19 of 91   [TOP]

PolysacDB ID1588
Carbohydrate NameN-propionyl substituted Neisseria meningitidis group B capsular polysaccharide    (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
Microbe NameNeisseria meningitidis Serogroup B   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureIt is a homopolymer of α(2-->8) sialic acid
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed FunctionThis capsular polysaccharide is an important virulence determinant. Serum antibodies to the group B polysaccharide confers protection against disease by activating complement-mediated bacteriolysis and/or opsonization. It leads to immunologic tolerance induced by prenatal exposure to host polysialyated glycoproteins
Antigenic NatureGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameTetanus toxoid
Conjugate MethodThe oligosaccharide-protein conjugate was prepared by stirring a mixture of terminal aldehyde-containing N-Pr meningococcal B oligosaccharide with tetanus toxoid in 0.75 M potassium phosphate buffer, pH 9.0, with sodium cyanoborohydride (40 mg/ml) for 1 day at 40°C, then 2 days at ambient temperature
AntibodiesMab Seam 19
Antibody Type ClassIgG2a
Assay SystemELISA, flow cytometry and indirect immunofluorescence
Cross ReactivityThis Mab did not cross-react with non-modified acetylaed group B capsular polysaccharide
Proposed EpitopeN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis Mab may be useful for the identification of molecular mimetics capable of eliciting protective antibodies specific to the bacteria, without the risk of evoking autoimmune disease
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation16-09-2010

Record - 20 of 91   [TOP]

PolysacDB ID1589
Carbohydrate NameN-propionyl substituted Neisseria meningitidis group B capsular polysaccharide    (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
Microbe NameNeisseria meningitidis Serogroup B   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureIt is a homopolymer of α(2-->8) sialic acid
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed FunctionThis capsular polysaccharide is an important virulence determinant. Serum antibodies to the group B polysaccharide confers protection against disease by activating complement-mediated bacteriolysis and/or opsonization. It leads to immunologic tolerance induced by prenatal exposure to host polysialyated glycoproteins
Antigenic NatureGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameTetanus toxoid
Conjugate MethodThe oligosaccharide-protein conjugate was prepared by stirring a mixture of terminal aldehyde-containing N-Pr meningococcal B oligosaccharide with tetanus toxoid in 0.75 M potassium phosphate buffer, pH 9.0, with sodium cyanoborohydride (40 mg/ml) for 1 day at 40°C, then 2 days at ambient temperature
AntibodiesMab Seam 20
Antibody Type ClassIgG2b
Assay SystemELISA, flow cytometry and indirect immunofluorescence
Cross ReactivityThis Mab cross-reacted with non-modified acetylaed group B capsular polysaccharide
Proposed EpitopeN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis Mab may be useful for the identification of molecular mimetics capable of eliciting protective antibodies specific to the bacteria, without the risk of evoking autoimmune disease
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation16-09-2010

Record - 21 of 91   [TOP]

PolysacDB ID1590
Carbohydrate NameN-propionyl substituted Neisseria meningitidis group B capsular polysaccharide    (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
Microbe NameNeisseria meningitidis Serogroup B   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureIt is a homopolymer of α(2-->8) sialic acid
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed FunctionThis capsular polysaccharide is an important virulence determinant. Serum antibodies to the group B polysaccharide confers protection against disease by activating complement-mediated bacteriolysis and/or opsonization. It leads to immunologic tolerance induced by prenatal exposure to host polysialyated glycoproteins
Antigenic NatureGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameTetanus toxoid
Conjugate MethodThe oligosaccharide-protein conjugate was prepared by stirring a mixture of terminal aldehyde-containing N-Pr meningococcal B oligosaccharide with tetanus toxoid in 0.75 M potassium phosphate buffer, pH 9.0, with sodium cyanoborohydride (40 mg/ml) for 1 day at 40°C, then 2 days at ambient temperature
AntibodiesMab Seam 21
Antibody Type ClassIgG2b
Assay SystemELISA, flow cytometry and indirect immunofluorescence
Cross ReactivityThis Mab cross-reacted with non-modified acetylaed group B capsular polysaccharide
Proposed EpitopeN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis Mab may be useful for the identification of molecular mimetics capable of eliciting protective antibodies specific to the bacteria, without the risk of evoking autoimmune disease
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation16-09-2010

Record - 22 of 91   [TOP]

PolysacDB ID1591
Carbohydrate NameN-propionyl substituted Neisseria meningitidis group B capsular polysaccharide    (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
Microbe NameNeisseria meningitidis Serogroup B   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureIt is a homopolymer of α(2-->8) sialic acid
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed FunctionThis capsular polysaccharide is an important virulence determinant. Serum antibodies to the group B polysaccharide confers protection against disease by activating complement-mediated bacteriolysis and/or opsonization. It leads to immunologic tolerance induced by prenatal exposure to host polysialyated glycoproteins
Antigenic NatureGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameTetanus toxoid
Conjugate MethodThe oligosaccharide-protein conjugate was prepared by stirring a mixture of terminal aldehyde-containing N-Pr meningococcal B oligosaccharide with tetanus toxoid in 0.75 M potassium phosphate buffer, pH 9.0, with sodium cyanoborohydride (40 mg/ml) for 1 day at 40°C, then 2 days at ambient temperature
AntibodiesMab Seam 22
Antibody Type ClassIgG2b
Assay SystemELISA, flow cytometry and indirect immunofluorescence
Cross ReactivityThis Mab did not cross-react with non-modified acetylaed group B capsular polysaccharide
Proposed EpitopeN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis Mab may be useful for the identification of molecular mimetics capable of eliciting protective antibodies specific to the bacteria, without the risk of evoking autoimmune disease
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation17-09-2010

Record - 23 of 91   [TOP]

PolysacDB ID1592
Carbohydrate NameN-propionyl substituted Neisseria meningitidis group B capsular polysaccharide    (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
Microbe NameNeisseria meningitidis Serogroup B   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureIt is a homopolymer of α(2-->8) sialic acid
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed FunctionThis capsular polysaccharide is an important virulence determinant. Serum antibodies to the group B polysaccharide confers protection against disease by activating complement-mediated bacteriolysis and/or opsonization. It leads to immunologic tolerance induced by prenatal exposure to host polysialyated glycoproteins
Antigenic NatureGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameTetanus toxoid
Conjugate MethodThe oligosaccharide-protein conjugate was prepared by stirring a mixture of terminal aldehyde-containing N-Pr meningococcal B oligosaccharide with tetanus toxoid in 0.75 M potassium phosphate buffer, pH 9.0, with sodium cyanoborohydride (40 mg/ml) for 1 day at 40°C, then 2 days at ambient temperature
AntibodiesMab Seam 23
Antibody Type ClassIgG2b
Assay SystemELISA, flow cytometry and indirect immunofluorescence
Cross ReactivityThis Mab did not cross-react with non-modified acetylaed group B capsular polysaccharide
Proposed EpitopeN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis Mab may be useful for the identification of molecular mimetics capable of eliciting protective antibodies specific to the bacteria, without the risk of evoking autoimmune disease
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation17-09-2010

Record - 24 of 91   [TOP]

PolysacDB ID1593
Carbohydrate NameN-propionyl substituted Neisseria meningitidis group B capsular polysaccharide    (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
Microbe NameNeisseria meningitidis Serogroup B   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureIt is a homopolymer of α(2-->8) sialic acid
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed FunctionThis capsular polysaccharide is an important virulence determinant. Serum antibodies to the group B polysaccharide confers protection against disease by activating complement-mediated bacteriolysis and/or opsonization. It leads to immunologic tolerance induced by prenatal exposure to host polysialyated glycoproteins
Antigenic NatureGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameTetanus toxoid
Conjugate MethodThe oligosaccharide-protein conjugate was prepared by stirring a mixture of terminal aldehyde-containing N-Pr meningococcal B oligosaccharide with tetanus toxoid in 0.75 M potassium phosphate buffer, pH 9.0, with sodium cyanoborohydride (40 mg/ml) for 1 day at 40°C, then 2 days at ambient temperature
AntibodiesMab Seam 24
Antibody Type ClassIgG2b
Assay SystemELISA, flow cytometry and indirect immunofluorescence
Cross ReactivityThis Mab did not cross-react with non-modified acetylaed group B capsular polysaccharide
Proposed EpitopeN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis Mab may be useful for the identification of molecular mimetics capable of eliciting protective antibodies specific to the bacteria, without the risk of evoking autoimmune disease
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation17-09-2010

Record - 25 of 91   [TOP]

PolysacDB ID1594
Carbohydrate NameN-propionyl substituted Neisseria meningitidis group B capsular polysaccharide    (Drugpedia)
Carbohydrate ClassCapsular polysaccharide
Microbe NameNeisseria meningitidis Serogroup B   (NCBI Taxonomy)   (Drugpedia)
Basic StructureIt is a homopolymer of α(2-->8) sialic acid
BCSDB StructureN/A
Proposed FunctionThis capsular polysaccharide is an important virulence determinant. Serum antibodies to the group B polysaccharide confers protection against disease by activating complement-mediated bacteriolysis and/or opsonization. It leads to immunologic tolerance induced by prenatal exposure to host polysialyated glycoproteins
Antigenic NatureGlycoconjugates
Carrier NameTetanus toxoid
Conjugate MethodThe oligosaccharide-protein conjugate was prepared by stirring a mixture of terminal aldehyde-containing N-Pr meningococcal B oligosaccharide with tetanus toxoid in 0.75 M potassium phosphate buffer, pH 9.0, with sodium cyanoborohydride (40 mg/ml) for 1 day at 40°C, then 2 days at ambient temperature
AntibodiesMab Seam 25
Antibody Type ClassIgG2b
Assay SystemELISA, flow cytometry and indirect immunofluorescence
Cross ReactivityThis Mab cross-reacted with non-modified acetylaed group B capsular polysaccharide
Proposed EpitopeN/A
IEDB EpitopeN/A
Proposed UtilityThis Mab may be useful for the identification of molecular mimetics capable of eliciting protective antibodies specific to the bacteria, without the risk of evoking autoimmune disease
Curator IDAA + AS
Date of Curation17-09-2010

Bioinformatics Centre, Institute of Microbial Technology, Sec - 39A, Chandigarh, India - 160036