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NAR Molecular Biology Database Collection entry number 682
Singh M.K., Srivastava S., Raghava G.P.S. and Varshney G.C
Institute of Microbial Technology, Sector-39A, Chandigarh, India
Contact grish@imtech.res.in
Hapten is a small molecule, not immunogenic by itself, that can react with antibodies of appropriate specificity and elicit the formation of such antibodies when conjugated to a larger antigenic molecule (usually protein called carrier in this context). These hapten molecules are of great importance in the production of antibodies of desired specificity as antibody production involves activation of B lymphocytes by the hapten and helper T lymphocytes by the carrier protein. We developed a comprehensive database of hapten molecules called Haptendb. This is a crurated database where information is collected and complied from published literature and web resources. Presently database has more than 1700 entries where each entry provides comprehensive detail about a hapten molecule that includes: i) nature of the hapten; ii) methods of anti- hapten antibody production; iii) information about carrier protein; iv) coupling method; v) assay method (used for characterization) and vi) specificities of antibodies. The Haptendb covers wide array of haptens ranging from antibiotics of biomedical importance to pesticides. A web interface has been developed to access the Hapten database via internet. It has number of web tools to perform various tasks. It also provides internal and external links to various databases/resources to obtain the further information about hapten, their carriers and antibodies. This database will be very useful for studying the serological reactions and production of antibodies, as haptens are the small molecules with known structures, which can be altered to generate antibody of desired specificity. The database is available from http://www.imtech.res.in/raghava/haptendb/.
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