Potential reviewers:



Prof. Thomas Kieber-Emmons,

Director, Basic Breast Cancer Research,

Arkansas Cancer Research Center

4301 W. Markham St. #623

Little Rock, AR 72205, USA


Email: tke@uams.edu

Phone: 501 686-6000

2.                 Dr. N. Srinivasan

Molecular Biophysics Unit

Indian Institute of Science

Bangalore 560 012, INDIA


E-mail: ns@mbu.iisc.ernet.in

Phone: +91-80-22932837


3.                 Dr Darren R Flower

The Edward Jenner Institute for Vaccine Research

Compton, Newbury, Berkshire, RG20 7NN, United Kingdom


Email: darren.flower@jenner.ac.uk



Dr. Dinesh Gupta

Research Scientist

International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, 

New Delhi, 




Fax: +91-11-26162316

Email: dinesh@icgeb.res.in  


Dr. K Sekar

Supercomputer  Education and Research Centre

Indian  Institute of Science

Bangalore  - 560 012, India


Phone: 080-22933059

FAX: 080-23600551

Email: sekar@physics.iisc.ernet.in



Professor Geoff Barton
Professor of Bioinformatics,

School of Life Sciences,
University of Dundee Dow St.,

Dundee DD1 5EH, Scotland, UK

email: geoff@compbio.dundee.ac.uk

Telephone: +44 1382 345860

Fax:             +44 1382 345764


Prof. T. P. Singh

Dept. Biophysics, AIIMS, New Delhi

Email: tps@aiims.aiims.ac.in


Prof. Manju Bansal,

Molecular Biophysics Unit,

Indian Institute of Science, Banglore


Email: mb@mbu.iisc.ernet.in


Prof. Ram  Ramaswamy

School of Physcial Sciences

Jawaharlal Nehru University

New Delhi, India


Phone: +91-11-26704785

Email: r.ramaswamy@mail.jnu.ac.in


Prof. Pinakpani Chakrabarti

Dept. Biochemistry

Bose Institute, Kolkata


Email: pinak@boseinst.ernet.in


Prof. S. Ramakumar

Department of Physics  

Indian Institute of Science,

Bangalore - 560 012.


Tel.  +91-80-3345409, 3092469

Fax. +91-80-3344551

E-mail : ramak@physics.iisc.ernet.in


Dr H. Nagarajaram

CDFD, Nacharam,

Hyderabad-500 076, INDIA


Email : han@cdfd.org.in

Phone : 91-40-27151344

Fax     : 91-40-27155479



Dr Shekhar C. Mande

CDFD, Nacharam,

Hyderabad-500 076, INDIA


Email : shekhar@cdfd.org.in

Phone : 91-40-27151344

Fax     : 91-40-27155479


Prof. Alok  Bhattacharya

School of Life Sciences

Jawaharlal Nehru University

New Delhi, India


Phone: +91-11-26704516

Email: alok0200@mail.jnu.ac.in


Prof. A. Surolia,

Molecular Biophysics Unit,

Indian Institute of Science, Banglore


Email: surolia@mbu.iisc.ernet.in




Dr. C. M. Gupta, Director

Central Drug Research Institute,

Lucknow, India


Email: drcmg@rediffmail.com


Dr. Gyan C. Mishra, Director

National Center for Cell Science,

Ganeshkhind Road, Pune 411007,

Maharashtra, India


Email: gcmishra@nccs.res.in


Dr. Thangavel Alphonse Thanaraj, European Bioinformatics Institute,

Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1SD,

United Kingdom


Email: thanaraj@ebi.ac.uk


Dr S. Ramachandran

IGIB, Mall Road

New Delhi, India


Email: ramu@igib.res.in


Dr. Debasis Dash

IGIB, Mall Road

New Delhi, India


Email: dash@igib.res.in


Dr. Shantanu Chowdhury

IGIB, Mall Road

New Delhi, India


Email: shantanuc@igib.res.in


Prof. Samir K. Brahamchari

IGIB, Mall Road

New Delhi, India


Email: skb@igib.res.in




Dr. Ravishankar Ramachandran

Central Drug Research Institute,

Lucknow, India


Email: ravishankarr@indiatimes.com

Phone    +91-522-2212411 ext 4425 or 4442

Fax            +91-522-2223405



Prof. Utpal Tatu

Dept. Biochemistry

Indian Institute of Science,

Banglore, India


Phone: 080 22932823 

Email: tatu@biochem.iisc.ernet.in


Prof. Akhilesh Pandey

Departments of Biological Chemistry and Oncology,

John Hopkins, Bloomerg,

School of public health, USA

Email : pandey@jhmi.edu


Dr. Manoj Bhasin

Molecular Immunology Foundation,

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA

Email: bhasin@research.dfci.harvard.edu