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Selected Features of TumorHPD

TumorHPD is user friendly webserver with certain sailent features which makes it a very useful webserver for predicting and desinging of tumor homing peptides. Some of the major features of TumorHPD are as follows:

Optimized Putative Tumor Homing Peptide
This feature of webserver allows user to predict tumor homing property of the submitted peptide at different threshold values. Major highlight in this feature is the generation of the mutants of the parent peptide so user can get the optimized peptide for its experiment. Mutation position are also displayed in the result table which gives the importance of amino acid for that particular peptide. This webserver also provides user with physicochemical properties values like hydrophobicity, hydropathicity, hydrophilicity, molecular weight, net charge so that user can get overview of its peptide and evaluate it. Parent peptide and its mutants are dislayed in the same table with all physicochemical properties value such that user can do comparative study of their peptide.

Protein Scanning
Protein scanning feature allows user to identify tumor homing fragments in that given protein, fragments with their predicted value at particular threshold and length are generated, providing user with the option of numerous peptides from single protein. In this module, results are displayed in tabular and graphical form which gives detailed idea about the physicochemical properties and the peaks corresponding to the physicochemical properties(Hydrophobicity, Hydrophilicity, Charge, Molecular weight) in the graphs for whole protein as well fragments generated from that proteins gives very quick idea to the user for selection of the best putative tumor homing peptide.

Sorting of Result Values
It is an interesting feature to help reduce the time required to identify best putative tumor homing peptide from the list of peptides (obtained after submitting query peptide). The result values can be sorted on the increasing and decreasing order of their values. The peptide having highest SVM score is considered as best putative tumor homing peptide.

Bioinformatics Centre Institute of Microbial Technology