HIPdb is a manually curated database of experimentally validated HIV inhibitory peptides targeting various steps or proteins involved in the life cycle of HIV like fusion, integration, reverse transcription etc.
Currently the database provides experimental information of 981 peptides from varying sources tested on 35 different cell lines. Modified peptides (87) and peptides with very low/nil activity (179) are provided separately.
The database provides user friendly browse, search, advanced search options and also useful services like BLAST and ‘Map’ for alignment with user provided sequences.
In addition, structure and physicochemical properties of the peptides have also been included.
This database is hoped to be useful for people working on peptide based therapy against HIV and also in identifying the best inhibitory peptides for further research.
Citation: Qureshi A, Thakur N, Kumar M (2013) HIPdb: A Database of Experimentally Validated HIV Inhibiting Peptides. PLoS ONE 8(1): e54908. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0054908. PMID: 23359817