Gene Name Pubmed ID Classification Sample Location Remark
MLH1 11297252MethylationParkland Health and Hospital System, Dallas, Texas.Methylation of human MLH1 in cervcial cancers and their preneoplastic lesions are rare events (3-6%).  
MLH1 11448914MethylationSamsung Cheil Hospital, Seoul, KoreaAberrant methylation of CpG island within the promoter regions in asscoiation with the loss of protein expression in cancer cells.  
MLH1 16331610MethylationGynecologic Oncology Division of Seoul National University HospitalMethylation of this gene is resposible for cervical carcinoma.  
MLH1 10999751--MLH1 expression is detected in 71.4% in noninvasive squamous cell carcinoma and 34.8% of invasive squamous cell carcinoma (P<0.04).