       Prediction of NAD interacting residues in proteins

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Data used in the development of nadbinder

List of NAD binding PDB IDs (555) as obtained from SuperSite. [Here]

List of NAD binding PDB IDs after 90% sequence redundancy cutoff (CD-HIT). [Here]

List of NAD binding PDB IDs after 60% sequence redundancy cutoff (CD-HIT). [Here]

List of NAD binding PDB IDs after 40% sequence redundancy cutoff (CD-HIT). [Here]

NAD binding protein sequences in FASTA format (195) at 40% sequence redundancy (Used in the final model). [Here]

NAD binding protein sequences in FASTA format (195) at 40% sequence redundancy WITH NAD INTERACTING RESIDUES LABELLED AS small LETTERS. [Here]

Supplementary File1 [containg All the PDB IDs and sequences used in a .doc file] Click here

Supplementary File2 [containg detailed results including BLAST and False positive Calculations in a .doc file] Click here

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