NPACT- Naturally occuring Plant based Anticancerous Compound-Activity-Target DataBase

Compound: Acacetin

TargetsGene NameGene IDCancerCell LinesIC50ED50EC50GI50RemarkReferences
VEGFAvascular endothelial growth factor A7422Ovarian adenocarcinomaOVCAR-3----Acacetin decreased VEGF transcriptional activation to 40% in OVCAR-3 cells, suggesting that this compound has a general effect to inhibit VEGF transcriptional activa-tion in ovarian cancer cells. Acacetin at 10 µM and 20 µM greatly inhibited VEGF expression in OVCAR-3 cells.21893035
VEGFAvascular endothelial growth factor A7422Ovarian CancerA-2780----Acacetin decreased VEGF transcriptional activation to 50% in A2780 cells, suggesting that this compound has a general effect to inhibit VEGF transcriptional activation in ovarian cancer cells.21893035
VEGFAvascular endothelial growth factor A7422Ovarian carcinomaOVCAR-3----Acacetin treatment inhibited tumor growth with 50% decrease of tumor weight when compared to that from the control group, indicating that acacetin suppresses tumor growth through impeding the angiogenesis. Acacetin inhibited the levels of VEGF expression in tumor tissue samples21893035


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