NPACT- Naturally occuring Plant based Anticancerous Compound-Activity-Target DataBase

Compound: Arctiin

TargetsGene NameGene IDCancerCell LinesIC50ED50EC50GI50RemarkReferences
CCND1cyclin D1595Breast adenocarcinomaMCF-7----the amount of cyclin D1 started to decrease after 24 h of culturing and further decreased to undetectable levels after 48 h.18288407
CCND1cyclin D1595Cervix AdenocarcinomaHeLa----the amount of cyclin D1 started to decrease after 24 h of culturing and further decreased to undetectable levels after 48 h.18288407
CCND1cyclin D1595Colon cancerHCT-116----the amount of cyclin D1 started to decrease after 24 h of culturing and further decreased to undetectable levels after 48 h.18288407
CCND1cyclin D1595Lung adenocarcinomaA549----the amount of cyclin D1 started to decrease after 24 h of culturing and further decreased to undetectable levels after 48 h.18288407
CCND1cyclin D1595MelanomaUACC-62----the amount of cyclin D1 started to decrease after 24 h of culturing and further decreased to undetectable levels after 48 h.18288407
CCND1cyclin D1595OsteosarcomaMG63----the amount of cyclin D1 started to decrease after 24 h of culturing and further decreased to undetectable levels after 48 h.18288407
CCND1cyclin D1595Prostate CancerDU-145----the amount of cyclin D1 started to decrease after 24 h of culturing and further decreased to undetectable levels after 48 h.18288407


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