NPACT- Naturally occuring Plant based Anticancerous Compound-Activity-Target DataBase

Compound: Glossogin

TargetsGene NameGene IDCancerCell LinesIC50ED50EC50GI50RemarkReferences
CYCScytochrome c54205Lung adenocarcinomaA549----On increasing concentration of glossgin, more cytochrome C released from mitochondria to cytosol and the expression of procaspase-3 protein declined. Cytochrome C in cytosol stimulated cell and cleaved procaspase-9 to active type caspase-9. Expression of the procaspase-3 protein decreased and caspase-3 was activated, implying that caspase-9 activated procaspase-3 to cleave and form the active-type caspase-3.18976690


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