Help Page
RNAcon: Flow diagram of web-server

Job Title [optional]
User can give any name for job title, which will later display in prediction result section.
E-mail [optional]
The prediction results (in the form of web-link) will be automatically send to the given e-mail address.
Input sequence
The RNAcon accepts RNA sequence only in standard FASTA format (User can submit/upload multiple RNA sequences).
SVM Threshold Options
Depending upon the threshold value which user choices, SVM will classify the unknown RNA sequence into non-coding (positive) and coding (negative) RNA. The default threshold is 0.0. If user want less sensitivity but more specificity, then higher threshold value should be specified, but if opposite is anticipated then lower threshold value should be choosen. So, the expected outcome will depends on the trade-off between sensitivity and specificity.
Prediction Results (Sample output file)
All the prediction results will display into a table of result page. Input column is the FASTA header of given sequences. Prediction column is the result of discrimination between coding and non-coding with SVM score. The classification column display the classification result of predicted ncRNA with prediction score out of maximum 1. User can also see the complete distribution results of all predicted ncRNAs with the help of Highcharts software by clicking on the provided link. The structure column shows the IPknot software based predicted structures of RNA and display by VARNA software.