HIPid | HIP1045 |
Length | 30 |
Nomenclature | integrase (147-175) |
Source | Integrase |
Cell line | NA |
Inhibition/IC50 | High |
Unit | NA |
Target | Integrase |
Assay | Integrase Assay |
Properties | View |
Structure | Jmol |
Paper | A synthetic peptide from the human immunodeficiency virus type-1 integrase exhibits coiled-coil properties and interferes with the in vitro integration activity of the enzyme. Correlated biochemical and spectroscopic results. |
Authors | Sourgen F, Maroun RG, Frere V, Bouziane M, Auclair C, Troalen F, Fermandjian S. |
Reference | Eur J Biochem. 1996 Sep 15;240(3):765-73. |
Pubmed ID | 8856082 |