HIPid | HIP1078 |
Sequence | TITYDY |
Length | 6 |
Nomenclature | pET3a-22 |
Source | Recombinant |
Cell line | E.coli |
Inhibition/IC50 | Low |
Unit | NA |
Target | Protease inhibition |
Assay | Protease assay |
Properties | View |
Structure | Jmol |
Paper | A rapid and sensitive bacterial assay to determine the inhibitory effect of 'interface' peptides on HIV-1 protease co-expressed in Escherichia coli. |
Authors | Ast O, Jentsch KD, Schramm HJ, Hunsmann G, Luke W, Petry H. |
Reference | J Virol Methods. 1998 Mar;71(1):77-85. |
Pubmed ID | 9628224 |