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DrugPedia: A Wikipedia for Drug Discovery

  • Drugpedia is a wikipedia created for collecting and compiling information related to computer-aided drug design.
  • The aim of Drugpedia is to provide comprehensive information about drugs.
  • Drugpedia is developed under the umbrella of Open Source Drug Discovery (OSDD) project.
  • Dudpedia covers wide range of subjects around drugs like Bioinformatics, Cheminfiormatics, clinical informatics etc.

Virtual Summer Trainees

Students often find it difficult to get placements for training (short/long/summer training), which is mandatory requirement for getting a degree. The Drugpedia provide opportunity for students to take small projects related to information collection and compilation. We may issue a certificate for students who contribute significantly to Drugpedia (at least 10 important articles).

Important databases and Projects

Mtb_Station : M'ycobacterium tuberculosis Structural Annotation

Mtb Immunotation : Immunological Annotation of Mtb Proteins

BIAdb : A Database for Benzylisoquinoline Alkaloids

HMRbase : A database of hormones and their receptors

PolysacDB : A database of polysaccharide antigens and their antibodies

Bioinformatics Guide Bioinformatics Guide

News From Raghava's Group

Ansari, H.R. and Raghava, G.P.S (2010) Identification of conformational B-cell Epitopes in an antigen from its primary sequence Immunome Research 2010, 6:6

Experience certificates

While on one hand we bewail the "lack of manpower", it is an unpalatable fact that many educated youngsters do not have appropriate jobs. There is obviously a gap between what the employers require and the level of knowledge or expertise the youth have. Unemployed youths who need experience certificate are requested to contribute generously to Drugpedia. We will issue a certificate for those who contribute significantly to Drugpedia (at least 10 important articles).

Virtual Jobs

We are working on concept of virtual job where employee can contribute from their home (for example women’s). We will prefer to hire those who have contributed maximum information to Drugpedia.


All faculty members are requested to encourage students to contribute to Drugpedia. You may give assignment to students for contributing articles to Drugpedia.


Drugpedia uses popular software MediaWiki which maintain history of articles added/edited by users. It means all your contribution will be recorded so that you may get full credit of your contribution.

Contact Information

This site is maintained by Dr GPS Raghava's group at Institute of Microbial Technology, Chandigarh, india. Contact side administrator.

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