2838 | RKLTTIFPLNWKYRKALSLG | Camptide | 20 | L | Linear | Protein derived | NA | Free | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (TAMRA) | 23585561 |
2839 | KGKKIFIMK | Cyt c (5-13) | 9 | L | Linear | Protein derived | NA | Free | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (TAMRA) | 23585561 |
2840 | DITYRFRGPDWL | rV1aR (102-113a) | 12 | L | Linear | Protein derived | NA | Free | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (TAMRA) | 23585561 |
2841 | GRKKRRQRRRPPQ | Biotinyl-tat | 13 | L | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Free | Amidation | Biotinylation | Fluorophore (TAMRA) | 23585561 |
2842 | RQIKIWFQNRRMKWKK | Biotinyl-penetratin | 16 | L | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Free | Amidation | Biotinylation | Fluorophore (TAMRA) | 23585561 |
2843 | AGYLLGKINLKALAALAKKIL | Rho-biotinyl-TP10 | 21 | L | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Free | Amidation | Biotinylation | Fluorophore (TAMRA) | 23585561 |
2861 | NTCTWLKYHS | Peptide 1 | 10 | L | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Free | Free | NA | Fluorophore (FITC) | 25562654 |
2862 | CASGQQGLLKLC | Peptide 2 | 12 | L | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Free | Free | NA | Fluorophore (FITC) | 25562654 |
2863 | YNNFAYSVFL | Peptide 3 | 10 | L | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Free | Free | NA | Fluorophore (FITC) | 25562654 |
2864 | ECYPKKGQDP | Peptide 4 | 10 | L | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Free | Free | NA | Fluorophore (FITC) | 25562654 |
2865 | RHVYHVLLSQ | Peptide 5 | 10 | L | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Free | Free | NA | Fluorophore (FITC) | 25562654 |
2866 | HATKSQNINF | Peptide 6 | 10 | L | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Free | Free | NA | Fluorophore (FITC) | 25562654 |
2867 | YRDRFAFQPH | Peptide 7 | 10 | L | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Free | Free | NA | Fluorophore (FITC) | 25562654 |
2868 | IWRYSLASQQ | Peptide 8 | 10 | L | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Free | Free | NA | Fluorophore (FITC) | 25562654 |
2869 | YQKQAKIMCS | Peptide 9 | 10 | L | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Free | Free | NA | Fluorophore (FITC) | 25562654 |
2870 | VQLRRRWC | Peptide 10 | 8 | L | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic | Free | Free | NA | Fluorophore (FITC) | 25562654 |
2871 | RRRRRRRRR | R9 | 9 | L | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic | Free | Free | NA | Fluorophore (FITC) | 25562654 |
2872 | NTGTWLKYHS | Peptide 1-C3G | 10 | L | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Free | Free | NA | Fluorophore (FITC) | 25562654 |
2873 | TCTWLKYHS | Peptide 1-NΔ | 9 | L | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Free | Free | NA | Fluorophore (FITC) | 25562654 |
2874 | NTCTWLKYH | Peptide 1-SΔ | 9 | L | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Free | Free | NA | Fluorophore (FITC) | 25562654 |
2875 | TCTWLKYH | Peptide 1-NSΔ | 8 | L | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Free | Free | NA | Fluorophore (FITC) | 25562654 |
2876 | CTWLKYH | Peptide 1-NTSΔ | 7 | L | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Free | Free | NA | Fluorophore (FITC) | 25562654 |
2877 | TWLKYH | Peptide 1-NTCSΔ | 6 | L | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Free | Free | NA | Fluorophore (FITC) | 25562654 |
2878 | CTWLKY | Peptide 1-NTHSΔ | 6 | L | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Free | Free | NA | Fluorophore (FITC) | 25562654 |
2879 | Aib-NII-Aib-PLL-Aib-PIC | TV-XIIa | 12 | Modified | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Acetylation | Amidation | Aib, α-amino isobutyric acid | Fluorophore (Fluorescien) and Nucleic acid (oligonucleotides) | 25468041 |
2880 | Aib-NII-Aib-PLL-A-PIC | P-I | 12 | Modified | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Acetylation | Amidation | Aib, α-amino isobutyric acid | Fluorophore (Fluorescien) and Nucleic acid (oligonucleotides) | 25468041 |
2881 | A-NII-Aib-PLL-Aib-PIC | P-II | 12 | Modified | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Acetylation | Amidation | Aib, α-amino isobutyric acid | Fluorophore (Fluorescien) and Nucleic acid (oligonucleotides) | 25468041 |
2882 | Aib-NII-A-PLL-Aib-PIC | P-III | 12 | Modified | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Acetylation | Amidation | Aib, α-amino isobutyric acid | Fluorophore (Fluorescien) and Nucleic acid (oligonucleotides) | 25468041 |
2883 | Aib-NII-Aib-Aib-LL-Aib-Aib-IC | P-IV | 12 | Modified | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Acetylation | Amidation | Aib, α-amino isobutyric acid | Fluorophore (Fluorescien) and Nucleic acid (oligonucleotides) | 25468041 |
2884 | Aib-NII-Aib-PLL-Aib-Aib-IC | P-V | 12 | Modified | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Acetylation | Amidation | Aib, α-amino isobutyric acid | Fluorophore (Fluorescien) and Nucleic acid (oligonucleotides) | 25468041 |
2885 | Aib-NII-Aib-Aib-LL-Aib-PIC | P-VI | 12 | Modified | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Acetylation | Amidation | Aib, α-amino isobutyric acid | Fluorophore (Fluorescien) and Nucleic acid (oligonucleotides) | 25468041 |
2886 | VKRFKKFFRKLKKSV | B1 | 15 | L | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Free | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (FITC) | 25462264 |
2887 | VKRFKKFFRKLKKLV | B1-Leu | 15 | L | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Free | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (FITC) | 25462264 |
2888 | VKRFKKFFRKLKKKV | B1-Lys | 15 | L | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Free | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (FITC) | 25462264 |
2889 | KKKKKKNKKLQQRGD | P1 | 15 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Conjugation with FITC | Free | Linker 6-aminohexamoic acid (Ahx) | Fluorophore (FITC) | 25459448 |
2890 | RGDGPRRRPRKRRGR | P2 | 15 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Conjugation with FITC | Free | Linker 6-aminohexamoic acid (Ahx) | Fluorophore (FITC) | 25459448 |
2891 | RRRQKRIVVRRRLIR | P3 | 15 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Conjugation with FITC | Free | Linker 6-aminohexamoic acid (Ahx) | Fluorophore (FITC) | 25459448 |
2892 | RRVWRRYRRQRWCRR | P4 | 15 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Conjugation with FITC | Free | Linker 6-aminohexamoic acid (Ahx) | Fluorophore (FITC) | 25459448 |
2893 | RRARRPRRLRPAPGR | P5 | 15 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Conjugation with FITC | Free | Linker 6-aminohexamoic acid (Ahx) | Fluorophore (FITC) | 25459448 |
2894 | LLRARWRRRRSRRFR | P6 | 15 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Conjugation with FITC | Free | Linker 6-aminohexamoic acid (Ahx) | Fluorophore (FITC) | 25459448 |
2895 | RGPRRQPRRHRRPRR | P7 | 15 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Conjugation with FITC | Free | Linker 6-aminohexamoic acid (Ahx) | Fluorophore (FITC) | 25459448 |
2896 | RRWRRWNRFNRRRCR | P8 | 15 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Conjugation with FITC | Free | Linker 6-aminohexamoic acid (Ahx) | Fluorophore (FITC) | 25459448 |
2897 | GRKKRRQRRRPPQ | Tat | 13 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Conjugation with FITC | Free | Linker 6-aminohexamoic acid (Ahx) | Fluorophore (FITC) | 25459448 |
2898 | HSDGIFTDSYSRYRKQMAVKKYLAAVLGKRYKQRVKNK | PACAP | 38 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Free | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (Fluorescien) | 25447531 |
2901 | MAARLCCQLDPARDVLCLRP | N-terminus of X-Pep | 20 | L | Linear | Protein derived | NA | Free | Free | NA | Fluorophore (FITC) | 25251474 |
2902 | MAARLCCQLDPARDV | N-terminus of X-Pep | 15 | L | Linear | Protein derived | NA | Free | Free | NA | Fluorophore (FITC) | 25251474 |
2903 | MAARLCCQ | X-Pep | 8 | L | Linear | Protein derived | NA | Free | Free | NA | Fluorophore (FITC) | 25251474 |
2904 | MAARL | X-Pep derivative | 5 | L | Linear | Protein derived | NA | Free | Free | NA | Fluorophore (FITC) | 25251474 |
2954 | RRRRRRRRR | PolyR | 9 | L | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic | Conjugation with 5(6)-Carboxyfluorescein | Free | NA | Fluorophore (5-Carboxyfluorescein) | 25894337 |
2955 | RQIKIWFQNRRMKWKK | Antp | 16 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic and amphipathic | Conjugation with 5(6)-Carboxyfluorescein | Free | NA | Fluorophore (5-Carboxyfluorescein) | 25894337 |