1328 | PRPLPFPRPG | Bac15-24 | 10 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Antimicrobial | Conjugation with fluorescein | Free | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 12450378 |
1329 | RKKRRQRRR | Tat (49-57) | 9 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Conjugation with fluorescein | Free | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 12450378 |
1356 | KRIPNKKPKK | RSV-A8 | 10 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Biotinylation | Amidation | NA | Biotin | 15209161 |
1357 | RRIPNRRPRR | RSV-A9 | 10 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Biotinylation | Amidation | NA | Biotin | 15209161 |
1360 | KKPTIKTTKK | RSV-A12 | 10 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Biotinylation | Amidation | NA | Biotin | 15209161 |
1361 | KKTTTKPTKK | RSV-A13 | 10 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Biotinylation | Amidation | NA | Biotin | 15209161 |
1368 | DRDRDRDRDR | Unknown | 10 | L | Linear | Synthetic | Unknown | Biotinylation | Amidation | NA | Biotin | 15209161 |
1373 | RRRERRAEK | Lambda-N Truncated (50-58) | 9 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Biotinylation | Amidation | NA | Biotin | 15209161 |
1375 | RTRRNRRRVR | FHV (40-49) | 10 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Biotinylation | Amidation | NA | Biotin | 15209161 |
1376 | RNRSRHRR | Alpha Virus P130 (227-234) | 8 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Biotinylation | Amidation | NA | Biotin | 15209161 |
1377 | KCPSRRPKR | ALPHA Virus nucelocapsid (311-320) | 9 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Biotinylation | Amidation | NA | Biotin | 15209161 |
1393 | KMIFVGIKKK | Cyt 79-88 | 10 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Unknown | N-terminal acylation of peptide with 6-carboxy-tetramethylrhodamine | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (6-carboxy-tetramethylrhodamine) | 20659686 |
1394 | EKGKKIFIMK | Cyt 4-13 | 10 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Unknown | N-terminal acylation of peptide with 6-carboxy-tetramethylrhodamine | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (6-carboxy-tetramethylrhodamine) | 20659686 |
1395 | KGKKIFIMK | Cyt 5-13 | 9 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Unknown | N-terminal acylation of peptide with 6-carboxy-tetramethylrhodamine | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (6-carboxy-tetramethylrhodamine) | 20659686 |
1413 | QWQRNMRKVR | M6 | 10 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Unknown | Conjugation with fluorescein | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 19858187 |
1414 | RRRRRRRRR | R9 | 9 | L | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic | Conjugation with fluorescein | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 19858187 |
1437 | RQARRNRRRC | Rev ARM | 10 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (rhodamine) | 12119035 |
1442 | EEEAAKKK | Glu-Lys | 8 | L | Linear | Synthetic | Unknown | Free | Conjugation with FITC | NA | Fluorophore (FITC) | 21029412 |
1443 | GRKRKKRT | 6-Oct | 8 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Free | Conjugation with FITC | NA | Fluorophore (FITC) | 21029412 |
1450 | VQRKRQKLMP | NF-kB | 10 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Conjugation with fluorescein | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 12204694 |
1451 | SKKKKTKV | TFIIE BETA | 8 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Conjugation with fluorescein | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 12204694 |
1452 | GRKRKKRT | 6-Oct | 8 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Conjugation with fluorescein | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 12204694 |
1454 | PKKKRKV | SV40 | 7 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Conjugation with fluorescein | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 12204694 |
1455 | ERKKRRRE | HATF3 | 8 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Conjugation with fluorescein | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 12204694 |
1456 | FKKFRKF | C.e SDC3 | 7 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Conjugation with fluorescein | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 12204694 |
1482 | RRLSYSRRRF | SynB3 | 10 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Antimicrobial | Conjugation with NBD and TAMRA | Free | NA | Fluorophore (NBD and TAMRA) | 12783857 |
1483 | rrlsysrrrf | D-SynB3 | 10 | D | Linear | Protein derived | Antimicrobial | Conjugation with NBD | Free | NA | Fluorophore (NBD) | 12783857 |
1496 | RKKRRQRRR | Tat (49-57) | 9 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Free | Conjugation with GFP | NA | Protein (GFP) | 11211880 |
1503 | MLLLTRRRST | BagP | 10 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Biotinylation or Conjugation with TMR | Free | NA | Fluorophor (TMR) | 16808988 |
1504 | CGNKRTRGC | Lyp-1 | 9 | L | Linear | Synthetic | Unknown | Conjugation with fluorescein | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 15197262 |
1509 | VRLPPP | PolyP 1 | 6 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Amphipathic | Conjugation with fluorescein | Free | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 15054781 |
1512 | VHLPPP | PolyP 4 | 6 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Amphipathic | Conjugation with fluorescein | Free | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 15054781 |
1515 | VKLPPP | PolyP 7 | 6 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Amphipathic | Conjugation with fluorescein | Free | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 15054781 |
1525 | PFVYLI | C105Y derivative | 6 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Unknown | Conjugation with fluorescein/FITC | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein/ FITC) | 16272160 |
1526 | NKPILVFY | SRAM C105Y | 8 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Unknown | Conjugation with fluorescein/FITC | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein/ FITC) | 16272160 |
1570 | GKKKKKKKKK | Lys9 | 10 | L | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic | Biotinylation | Free | NA | Biotin | 0 |
1579 | GRRRRRERNK | cAMP dependent TF | 10 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Biotinylation | Free | NA | Biotin | 0 |
1582 | MIIYRDLISH | TCTP (1-10) deletion mutant | 10 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Unknown | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (Rhodamine) | 21440624 |
1583 | MIIYRDLIS | TCTP (1-9) deletion mutant | 9 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Unknown | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (Rhodamine) | 21440624 |
1584 | MIIYRDLI | TCTP (1-8) deletion mutant | 8 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Unknown | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (Rhodamine) | 21440624 |
1585 | IIYRDLISH | TCTP (2-10) deletion mutant | 9 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Unknown | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (Rhodamine) | 21440624 |
1586 | MIIYRDL | TCTP (1-7) deletion mutant | 7 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Unknown | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (Rhodamine) | 21440624 |
1587 | MIIYRD | TCTP (1-6) deletion mutant | 6 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Unknown | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (Rhodamine) | 21440624 |
1588 | IYRDLISH | TCTP (3-10) deletion mutant | 8 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Unknown | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (Rhodamine) | 21440624 |
1589 | AIIYRDLIS | TCTP(1-9) M1A subsetution mutant | 9 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Unknown | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (Rhodamine) | 21440624 |
1590 | MAIYRDLIS | TCTP(I-9) I2A subsetution mutant | 9 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Unknown | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (Rhodamine) | 21440624 |
1591 | MIAYRDLIS | TCTP(1-9 I3A subsetution mutant | 9 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Unknown | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (Rhodamine) | 21440624 |
1592 | MIIARDLIS | TCTP(1-9) Y4A subsetution mutant | 9 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Unknown | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (Rhodamine) | 21440624 |
1593 | MIIYADLIS | TCTP(1-9) R5A subsetution mutant | 9 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Unknown | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (Rhodamine) | 21440624 |
1594 | MIIYRALIS | TCTP(1-9) D6A subsetution mutant | 9 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Unknown | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (Rhodamine) | 21440624 |