DRONA - Prediction and Classification of DNA/RNA Interacting Residues in a Protein Using Composition of Patterns DRONA - Prediction and Classification of DNA/RNA Interacting Residues in a Protein Using Composition of Patterns

Useful web-links


BindN+ - A web-server for sequence-based prediction of DNA and RNA-binding residues.

NAPS - Nucleic Acid-binding residue Prediction Server

DNABindR - A server for prediction of Protein-DNA interaction sites.

DBindR - Prediction of DNA-binding residues in proteins from amino acid sequences.

DNABINDPROT - A server for Determination of Potential DNA Binding Sites of Proteins

DISPLAR - A server for prediction of Protein-DNA interaction sites.

DP-Bind - A web server for sequence-based prediction of DNA-binding residues in DNA-binding proteins.

DBS-PRED - Prediction of DNA-binding in proteins using Neural Networks

DBS-PSSM - Prediction of DNA-binding residues by evolutionary profile and neural networks.

RNABindR - RNA-interaction site prediction from a list of adjacent residues.

PiRaNhA - A web-server for predicting RNA-interacting residues in protein sequences.


ProNuC - Protein-Nucleic Acid Complex Database

ProNIT - Thermodynamic Database for Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions

3D-footprint - A database of DNA-binding protein structures

PDIdb - Protein-DNA Interface Database

PRIDB - Protein-RNA Interface Database

RsiteDB - RNA binding sites Data Base

DRONA - Prediction and Classification of DNA/RNA Interacting Residues in a Protein Using Composition of Patterns