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| Basic Local Alignment Search Tool; retrieve sequences similar to your query.
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| GeneComber is an ab initio gene prediction tool developed at the UBC Bioinformatics Centre. It integrates results from two externally developed gene finders and operates on the premise that if these two gene finders agree on a prediction, we can be more confident in the prediction.
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| Family of gene prediction programs using Markov models; particularly good for prokaryotic gene finding.
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| Incorporates protein similarity information when predicting genes; based in part on GENSCAN.
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| Identification of complete gene structures in genomic DNA.
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| Gene Locator and Interpolated Markov Modeler; this prokaryote-gene finding tool is the primary microbial gene finder used at TIGR; free (including source code) with registration for non-commercial use.
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| Grail is a suite of tools which recognizes sequence features like promoters, exon candidates, simple repeats and complex repetitive elements. It also models genes based on the exon candidates.
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| Prediction of vertebrate and C. elegans genes.
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| Finds all open reading frames in a sequence.
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| Twinscan is a system for predicting gene-structure in eukaryotic genomic sequences. In order to make its predictions, Twinscan combines the information from predicted coding regions and splice sites with conserservation measurements between the target sequence and sequences from a closely related genome. Currently sequences from mammalian genomes, and those of Arabidopsis thaliana, C. elegans, C. briggsae and strains JEC21 and H99 of Cryptococcus neoformans can be processed using Twinscan.