Epitopes from Single antigens

This page displays the number of epitopes pertaining to a single antigen (Gene ID) with selected filters.

Number of Positive bcell assays for antigen accession number 385992953 from the mycobacterial Mtb_CCDC5180 strain

Assay ID Sequence MHC Alleles Source Organism
14080261703534QDVGNYDAFISIRAAIRAIESA3556Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37RvHomo sapiens Italian
Assay ID Sequence Epitope Start Epitope End Source Organism Host Organism
343KQRGGYAQFHLA-B*15:01Mycobacterium bovis BCG str. Pasteur 1173P21406650LTVTLVWLYHLA-A*26:01Mycobacterium avium 1041406649LYIEILRLLHLA-A*24:03Mycobacterium avium 1041408008REAKATRPLHLA-B*40:01Mycobacterium tuberculosis1406653TPKFTRMVVHLA-B*07:02Mycobacterium avium 1041408062VVYKTGAIRHLA-A*03:01Mycobacterium leprae Assay ID Linear Sequence MHC Alleles Source Organism